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Anna Russell - Sooke council candidate 2022

Anna Russell


Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I live on a rural property five minutes outside the District of Sooke, but it’s my town - where I go to meet friends, eat out, walk in the park and attend events. As Vice-Chair of the District’s Climate Action Committee, I developed the 7% Solution to reduce Sooke’s greenhouse gas emissions in line with Sooke’s climate action target. The 7% Solution was approved unanimously by Council in June 2021. I have attended dozens of Council meetings, presented key recommendations to Council, and contributed to the Official Community Plan process, the District’s budget process and the Economic Development Strategy on behalf of committee working groups. Many of the wonderful community members I met along the way have urged me to run for Council.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I have been a management consultant for community-based non-profits for more than ten years.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

As Vice-Chair of a District Committee, I worked in a community-based policy process to develop recommendations for climate action in Sooke. In my previous work as a civil servant, I also supported non-profits to deliver community-based programs in health and the performing arts across BC. I volunteered with several arts organizations, serving on the Board of the Vancouver Youth Choir, and as chair of its HR committee, and for two years I was the Manager of a non profit that served youth in the performing arts.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I feel Sooke is at at turning point where we’re at risk of losing what makes it special. Development that doesn’t fit Sooke has pushed into wilderness areas and added more cars to our overcrowded streets and highway. And despite the number of new homes being built, local residents still struggle to find affordable suites to rent or homes to buy. Meanwhile, growth without limits will make it impossible to meet our climate targets. People I talk to want Sooke to be a welcoming community, but they struggle with what has been lost during Sooke’s rapid growth.

What are your top three issues?

Keep what makes Sooke special: our small town feel, parks and green spaces. Expand protected areas in every neighbourhood

Seek a better balance between development and the needs of the community, and provide greater oversight on large developments

Deliver results on our made-in-Sooke response to the climate emergency.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

A place that works for local residents: a jewel of a park in every neighbourhood with connecting trails and local parks strung throughout to honour how we live with nature in Sooke; housing that locals can afford; a green and caring economy developed with local employment and businesses in mind and that allows us to keep our small town feel; and a community that demonstrates success in actually meeting climate action targets.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?