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Darlene Rotchford - Esquimalt council candidate 2022

Darlene Rotchford

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I currently live in Esquimalt. I have lived in Esquimalt for approximately 7 years and I have lived in the CRD since 2006.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I have worked in the field of Mental Health and Substance use for 15 years.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

I am currently the President of the Victoria Labour Council and I serve as the Labour Council Pacific Regional Representative to the Canadian Labour Congress. I have sat on the BCGEU Women’s, Young Workers, and Environment committees and I was an Executive Council Member of the BC Federation of Labour. I am also part of the United Way Southern Vancouver Island Labour committee where I advocate for those in need in our community.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I am running for Esquimalt Council so I can help improve Esquimalt for those who have lived here their entire lives and those who are new to the township. Sound community leadership with a focus on maintaining and improving infrastructure as Esquimalt continues to grow is integral to ensuring Esquimaltonians have an Esquimalt in the future that reflects the diversity of those who call it home. I aspire to be a leader in Esquimalt that keeps the desires of those in the community front of mind such that engagement with the community is the driving force for council decisions as we move forward together.

What are your top three issues?

My three top issues that I am keeping at the forefront of my campaign platform are: 1) Maintaining and future proofing critical infrastructure for the township, 2) expanding Esquimalt’s medical services to include aggressive recruitment of health care professionals, and 3) leveraging council actions to ensure a diversity and ample supply of housing options are available in Esquimalt

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

The Esquimalt of 2047 will look different then the Esquimalt of today. What those differences are will be shaped by the leaders we elect today and in the future. My vison of a future Esquimalt is one that is shaped by the community members and what they see as a community where they, their children, and their grandchildren can call home. Expansion and densification of housing is necessary but it cannot be done at the pace that overshadows the sense of smaller community that we hold as a bedrock of what make our community so desirable to live in.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

I will help with recruitment of family doctors and aligned health care workers for the residents of Esquimalt. It is essential that future housing densification projects be approved with dedicated office space for physicians coupled with tax packages in order to attract family doctors to open or move their practices to Esquimalt. While the specific details will be a discussion for the community at large and the next Esquimalt council, the essence of my idea is to leverage whatever mechanisms are available for the council to ensure family doctors are attracted to set up shop in Esquimalt both now and into the future. It is critical for residents to have proper access to healthcare in order for them to have a strong sense of security within their community; my big idea is to ensure that goal is realised.