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Keith Yacucha - Langford council candidate 2022

Keith Yacucha

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?

Not a true slate as each of us has our own platforms, goals and vision for Langford. That being said LangfordNOW has identified 5 of us who share these common goals and vision and has provided their endorsement and support to our campaigns.

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I moved to Langford in March of 2020 when we bought our first place.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Economics Instructor and Program Leader at Camosun College since 2016

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

Well, I am on the newer side to Langford (along with over a third of the current population), I have had the privilege to volunteer my efforts as a team treasurer for JDF hockey upon us moving to the area. Before that, I served as the association treasurer for Saanich Lacrosse, and the team manager for several years with the Saanich Braves.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

My biggest motivation is to bring increased transparency, engagement, and accountability to Langford city council. I have witnessed this firsthand with the current city systematically excluding meaningful public engagement from the development process. Residents of Langford want to know what is happening in their community and feel heard by their elected officials.

What are your top three issues?

- Bringing transparency, accountability and engagement to the city council.

- Fiscal responsibility, reviewing public-private contracts to ensure they are in the taxpayer’s interest.

- Sustainable and responsible development. Ensuring that beyond homes for people, we have the appropriate infrastructure to support all these new residents.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

A Langford with vibrant complete and walkable neighbourhoods with access to recreation, community centres, and shopping. With its growing population, Langford has the ability to become a regional leader and a place people want to live because of the services and infrastructure provided. Any vision of a future Langford needs to happen with continued collaboration with residents, Elected officials and staff should not have a 4-year period to independently shape the city as they deem fit.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

Affordability of shelter is top of mind for many people in the community. Over successive terms, we have seen the goal of homeownership disappear for many. While not subtracting from the goal of ownership, we need to ensure a stable rental market so that individuals and families renting can have safe and stable access to housing while allowing them the ability to build up a downpayment. It is in this context that I would aim to work with regional partners in building purposed-built rentals in order to target a 3% rental vacancy rate. This would provide a healthier rental market while also, positively, spilling over into the market for home ownership.