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Ken Bennett - Nanaimo council candidate 2022

Ken Bennett

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?

I am not officially teamed with any other candidates as a slate. However, that being said, I am a labour activist, who believes in a living wage for all workers and the respectful treatment of workers. I believe working together as a team to build this into becoming a reality is crucial, so I naturally find myself drawn to likeminded people.

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I have loved and lived in Nanaimo for just over 25ys.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

For the past 15+ yrs I have worked as a Care-aide working in a Group home w/ persons with disabilities, prior to that I worked with youth in care.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

*Over the past 15 plus years, I have participated and led several goodwill campaigns. From what I call my ‘Warm up Nanaimo’ campaigns to the annual Loaves & Fishes /or Cops4Cancer fundraisers. I enjoy involving my local Hospital Employees’ Union members as well as my local community in building this awareness to our city’s homeless and economically challenged. Community involvement is a key to making things better.

*I was elected and held a position on the Provincial Executive of the Hospital Employees’ Union as a Trustee /Sr Trustee, serving several years, prior to making this run for the position of Nanaimo City Council.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

*Over the past many years I’ve had it on my heart to be part of the solution, not sitting idly by, watching things break down around me. Grumbling isn’t going to get the answers we need, so I decided to put my heart in gear and step up to see if I can help. My motivation is simply put, ‘I care’ about seeing my city remain vital and thriving for all its’ citizens. I believe all people should be treated with fairness & dignity.

What are your top three issues?

• I am very concerned about accessibility for those with mobility concerns. This needs to be addressed in our local infrastructure projects, with more care and consideration at the starting stage, not as an afterthought.

• Homelessness and Mental illness needs to be addressed by all levels of government, but community involvement is crucial in its success. We need to address the high cost of housing.

• Our environment is crucial to maintain a healthy and sustainable way of life in Nanaimo.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

My vision: I would love to see more of our paths, parks and beaches made accessible for all our citizens. Our parks & pathways created with mobility & accessibility will be in all the starting plans of new work & upgrades as they need to be done. Nanaimo can work in harmony with agencies and organizations throughout the city to help it heal. Community input coming alongside safe & inclusive driven drop-in centers will help those people struggling, supporting organizations and ideas like ‘Stone Soup’ and ‘Foodshare’. Good ideas need to be nurtured into great solutions.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?