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Lanny Seaton - Langford council candidate 2022

Lanny Seaton

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate team? If so, which one?

Community First Langford

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Yes, I was born and raised in Langford and my wife and I have raised our four children here.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Retired from the Canadian Coast Guard after 41 years as Superintendent of Construction.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

With 50+ years of elected and community service, I am currently Chair, Parks, Recreation, Culture, Beautification and Vice Chair, Protective Services. As a CRD Director for 10+ years, I have leveraged my community and professional experience to represent residents of Langford on the CRD Hospital, Regional Parks, Performing Arts and First Nations Relations Committees. As a strong advocate for rapid transit and sustainable transportation options, I have continued to provide experienced leadership on the Island Corridor Foundation. In addition to my experience on city council, I have served as a Langford Volunteer Firefighter, First Responder and on community, non-profit, charity and youth sports organizations

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

As a long-term resident, and 3 generations of my family who live and work in Langford, I feel a deep sense of pride and responsibility to ensure Langford continues to build upon the foundational infrastructure and strategic planning that has made Langford one of the most resilient and desirable places to live in sa国际传媒 Through personal and professional experience, I have acquired as a Councillor, CRD Director, community volunteer and as former Superintendent of Construction for the Canadian Coast Guard, I am committed to leveraging my experience, relationships and partnerships, to make informed, evidenced-based, fiscally responsible decisions, representing all residents.

What are your top three issues?

• Rapid transit and a strategic regional transportation plan that addresses current and future transportation services and options for the City of Langford and Capital Regional District (CRD).

• Sustainable, environmentally responsible development and planning to ensure continued health, safety and viability for current and future residents to “live, work, learn and play” in the City of Langford.

• Equitable, inclusive, accessible and affordable health, education, recreation and housing options that will support current and anticipated, growth, demands and diversity of Langford and the broader CRD.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

A safe, resilient, vibrant, and environmentally sustainable community where residents and multi-generational families can live, work, play and learn. This vision must be guided by strategic and fiscally responsible, economic planning and development. As a long-term resident of this beautiful city, I have been proud to call home for 60+ years, I feel fortunate to have been educated and live amongst multiple generations of my family. As a long serving volunteer and elected official, I also respect the concerns, impacts and complexity that results from rapid growth and change. As such, I feel a tremendous sense of responsibility to ensure Langford continues to thrive and flourish for future generations through experienced leadership, continued community partnerships and collaboration with residents, local and prospective businesses and developers.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

A safe, resilient, vibrant and environmentally sustainable community where residents and multi-generational families can live, work, play and learn. This vision must be guided by strategic and fiscally responsible, economic planning and development. As a long-term resident of this beautiful city I have been proud to call home for 60+ years, I feel fortunate to have been educated and live amongst multiple generations of my family. As a long serving volunteer and elected official, I also respect the concerns, impacts and complexity that results from rapid growth and change. As such, I feel a tremendous sense of responsibility to ensure Langford continues to thrive and flourish for future generations through experienced leadership, continued community partnerships and collaboration with residents, local and prospective businesses and developers.