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Marcie McLean - Highlands council candidate 2022

Marcie McLean

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?

No, I am not running with a slate.

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Yes, I have lived and owned property in the Highlands for 34 years.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I am a retired BC Government Public Services Employee of 23 years mostly with the Ministry of Health.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience. (80-100 words)

I am seeking re-election for the position of Councillor.

I have served on Highlands Council for 14 years (4 terms). Prior to becoming a Highlands Councillor I served on various Highlands municipal advisory committees for 15 years. I have been a member of the Highlands District Community Association (HDCA) for many years being its Chair for 3 yrs & Event Coordinator for 25 yrs. I also contributed to the Highlands Green Community Mapping project 1.5 yrs, served on the Gowlland Todd Park Management Plan (BC Parks)for 1.5 years, and Capital Regional District-Millstream Watershed Management Plan.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I am running again for re-election as Councillor as I really appreciate being able to take care of our Highlands community. Municipal work is important and I find it very interesting. I also enjoy serving on Council.

Highlands is a rural District any many residents want it to remain that way, this takes effort to maintain the natural assets and the values that Highlands residents appreciate so much. I also want to ensure that Council continues to maintain a well planned balanced annual budget & 5 year financial plan while maintaining District services at reasonable service levels & costs to our taxpayers.

What are your top three issues?

My top 3 issues for Highlands are:

• Ground water concerns plus, the complications of development in the District and to try and ensure sustainable healthy domestic well water now and for future generations.

• Public safety, such as Highlands roads infrastructure, mobility options, motor vehicle traffic issues and policing. Improvements will need to be carried out in order to improve safety for cyclists & pedestrians.

• The Climate Change Emergency which former Highlands Council made a declaration of. Council will need to keep climate changes considerations within most of our decision-making of priorities and policies and projects.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

My vision for the community in 25 yrs is that we are still unique and still the lungs for the greater Victoria area. That Highlands is a healthy, beautiful place to live with the flora and fauna thriving. That we still manage to maintain our essential natural assets and that those systems all function as they need to. That we have learned to respect the natural world and that we need to provide space for it to thrive in order for us to live a healthy long life. That we are still our own municipality with broadened areas of authority from the province. That Highlands does not become too developed. That we stay the Highlands!

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

My one big idea for Highlands is to teach the youth and children to love and take care of this special place called the Highlands! And, for them to learn to appreciate the values of “community”. It’s a wonderful community to live in and that includes making the time and efforts to take care of it. We need more caring residents to become involved in taking care of what we currently have and will have and all the potential challenges and lessons that come along with that process. We need more of our fabulous volunteer firefighters. I see a pulling together of community spirit!