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Marianne Alto - Victoria mayor candidate 2022

Marianne Alto

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?

No – I am running independently.

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I’m a UVic graduate, and in the 33 years I’ve spent in Victoria since returning home from law school back east, I have always worked in Victoria, lived in Harris Green and Oaklands for 21 years, and since then lived within walking distance to the city, on the Saanich side of the boundary. I own a home in Victoria where I pay taxes and provide very affordable housing for lower income seniors. I’m proud to be able to respond in a small way to the current city housing crisis by offering an affordable rental home in Burnside Gorge.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I’m a facilitator by trade, a business owner (Azimuth Research and Consulting), with degrees in law and science. I’ve been a Victoria city councillor for almost 12 years.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

• First elected to Victoria City Council in 2010, to CRD 2011 through 2018 (Chair: Special Task Force on First Nations Relations).

• Current Council liaisons: Greater Victoria Harbour Authority, Te’mexw Treaty Advisory Committee, South Island Prosperity Partnership, Greater Victoria Public Library, CRD Royal/McPherson Theatres Society Advisory Committee, Burnside Gorge neighbourhood, City Family member.

• Previous: Canadian Capital Cities Organization (President), Advisor to Health Minister and Premier, Victoria Status of Women (Coordinator). Director: Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness, Oaklands Community Association, Sundance Elementary PAC, Victoria Confederation of PACs, Victoria Conservatory of Music. Pearson College host-parent, Everywomans Books, CFUV Community Radio host.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

Fairness, integrity, calm, courage and kindness are essential in the Mayor’s chair, if we are to confront, embrace and prosper amidst the challenges of the next 4 years. I’m told I’ve demonstrated all these qualities over my time as a three-term councillor. This is a critical election, one which seeks an experienced mayor who will balance the present and future so Victoria can model the evolution of towns to cities and show how to make that change thoughtfully, kindly. I’ve invested the time, effort, care, commitment to the city to know the job, and know I can do the job.

What are your top three issues?

My platform – A City for Everyone – is built around six interconnected and mutually supportive areas of opportunity that work together to move Victoria forward as a safe, people-oriented, economically thriving, just and inclusive community. It includes specific commitments and actions in six areas:

• Housing: A home for everyone

• City services: Public works that meet the needs of residents

• Well-being: A healthy, safe, active community

• Climate Adaptation: Protecting the Planet, neighbourhood by neighbourhood

• The Economy: A strong economy that pays our way forward

• Reconciliation: Creating a shared future.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

Change is coming, is already underway, and that change should be locally managed and not left to random chance or the policies of other governments. In 25 years, if we manage change well, Victoria can be a city that is welcoming, diverse, comfortable, with neighbourhoods celebrating their unique characters while valuing the differences of their residents. Where current Victorians live companionably with those more recently arrived. Where innovative infrastructure meets public need, everyone has some kind of home, we are adapting to climate change while we slow it down, we feel safe because we are, have opportunities to be active and thrive throughout our lives, adequate health services, have welcomed First People back to these lands and are sharing the wealth of our region.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

You’ll have to stay tuned on that one!