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Mick Rhodes - Sooke mayor candidate 2022

Mick Rhodes



Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I live in the Otter Point District of the Juan De Fuca Electoral Area west of Sooke (5 minute drive).

Moved to Sooke in 1977 (25 years old): moved to Victoria in 1992 (career change); moved to Otter Point in 2009. Sooke is my home, neighbourhood and ‘family’.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I’ve been retired for five years. Formerly worked in the trucking industry and later in the multi-media industry. Plenty of experience and memories working in both fields.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience. (80-100 words)

30 years+ Social Activism

Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform - coordinator/organizer/media liaison

Hosted public speakers addressing corporate malfeasance and ‘alternative economics’

2001 Climates of Change Conference - Victoria Convention Centre

(7 years before Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”)

Media liaison/key video director/producer/distribution

2009 -RENOVICTION-VICTORIA!- whistleblower

Led citizen delegation addressing ‘renoviction’ wave sweeping Victoria.

Broke story - Times-Colonist; Monday Magazine (feature articles); Shaw Community TV. Met Mayor Dean Fortin - discussed city’s response/resolutions

2015 Grant Road Fire Help Committee - fire ‘victims’ liaison/key coordinator

Recovered asbestos contaminated personal items; subsequently decontaminated by Sooke Fire Department and returned to owners

Why are you running? What’s your motivation? (80-100 words)

Sooke’s become one of the fastest growing regions in BC – a reality presided over by the last three DOS Councils. I likened it to the ‘Langford/Colwood Creep’. Unrealistic, unrestrained population growth, traffic congestion; the quickening pace and enormous change to the landscape of our picturesque, seaside town with its ‘country character charm’ is seemingly…now, a forgotten narrative. Attended/unintended consequences has been the result of poor vision/foresight.

My reason for running for mayor are the possibilities that may arise; by my collaboratively working with our newly elected council in rolling out a ‘course change’; benefiting the overall well-being of our community.

What are your top three issues? (80-100 words)

Create a central waterfront park - partnering with T’Sou-ke band to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Incorporation and…action-based ‘Reconciliation’ with the T’Sou-ke band.

Limit population growth - encourage large landowners/developers to build truly affordable, enviro-friendly housing (ie. Tiny House lots) for ‘under-privileged’ residents who already live here: service workers; young families; people w/disabilities; near retirement or ‘downsizing’ elderly

Traffic calming - lower the speed limit to 40 km on all secondary streets within the Sooke town limit.

In addition, DOS will lobby the province to have the speed limit reduced to 30 km on Sooke Rd in the downtown core.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years? (100-125 words)

Sooke will be celebrating the:

• 50th anniversary of the town’s Incorporation

• 25th anniversary of T’Sou-ke Harbour Park

• implementation of sustainable agricultural practices throughout the region; providing a thriving food distribution network from an array of small co-operative, family farms

• arrival of Light Rapid Transit providing passenger service to Victoria in less than 30 minutes

• reaching net-zero emissions from a variety of green technologies - nine years earlier

• a housing registry that provides affordable housing for young families and service providers so that they can live in Sooke and work in the local economy

• a robust local economy that supports a state-of-the-art light-manufacturing base; a multiplicity of arts and entertainment; conferences; and eco-tourism

• a balanced, ‘natural’, controlled growth rate in population (less than 30,000)

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community? (100-125 words)

2024 - DOS celebrates it’s 25th Anniversary. A stunning, panoramic viewscape near downtown is zoned for…Comprehensive Development.

2017 - property went into receivership. Lobbied DOS to purchase it (assessed value - $3,000,000) - to no avail. Assessed value today - $12,000,000.

First motion as mayor:

• address DOS to prepare a ‘FSR’ for acquiring the waterfront parcels

• form a partnership with T’Sou-ke band

• consult other levels of government to assist with funding

• induce land swap of city owned property

• form PPP with developer with an anchor tenant - our much needed Emergency Medical Clinic

• seek a 10 year loan from MFA

The cost - less than a Tooney every week for the 6,000+ ‘private dwellings’ and businesses.

Picture that, Sooke!