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Murray Weisenberger - North Saanich mayor candidate

Murray Weisenberger

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?

No, I am fully independent. I am not accepting any donations to my campaign.

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

No, I moved to Sidney from North Saanich one year ago as I could not adequately look after my property.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Retired for 8 years.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

I am a two term member of the North Saanich Council moving to NS in 2012. I am a long time member of GPC and GP of BC ( awarded the Green Globe for sage service ) including being member of the Provincial Council holding the positions of Chair and Vice Chair. I spent four years on the Elections BC Advisory Committee and I have volunteered as a stage hand at Music in the Park in Brentwood Bay since before being elected.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I believe that the good work done by the current Council on our OCP needs to be defended. I don’t think being Mayor is an entry level position. Experience and knowledge gained over time is important and I have that experience in North Saanich. When I was first elected to Council I thought I was well prepared. I was mistaken and discovered that it takes a term on Council for anyone to understand the inner workings of Local Government. I am running because I believe I am the best choice available to voters.

What are your top three issues?

Complete the OCP that is now being drafted by Staff after considerable effort and cost. Continuing to have a good and cooperative dialogue with Central Saanich and Sidney with a goal of an eventual amalgamation of the Peninsula. Twenty-one local electeds seems excessive for 40,000 people seems. Furthering the great work done by Mayor Orr with our First Nation neighbours. Real reconciliation requires having a real and personal relationship to create trusting friendships.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

I am no longer optimistic for future generations in North Saanich or anywhere else on the earth. I voted to declare a Climate Emergency because that is the reality of where the world is today. Those who have resources can make a real difference and we have a lot of potential difference makers. If elected. I will make sure the District takes as much real action as we can. However, our citizens need to be leaders as well.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

Big ideas are for populists. Climate stabilization will happen as a result of many many small actions from everyone. If you want to help, get rid of your ICE vehicle and save a lot of cash over time by ordering an electric vehicle NOW and spend less time on an airplane. Resident say we are all about agriculture. We are not but we could be. Food security on Vancouver Island is currently near zero. Holders of agricultural land need to step up to the empty plate. There are young farmers who only need an opportunity which means access to land, Lease your hay field to one of these eager people and be part of the solution.