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Sheryl Armstrong - Nanaimo council candidate 2022

Sheryl Armstrong

Facebook: Sheryl Armstrong Nanaimo City Council

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Yes. I lived in Nanaimo from 1990-1997 and again from 2010 til present

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I was a police officer with the RCMP serving almost 36 years. I retired in 2017 and was fortunate to win a Council seat in the 2017 by election and again I the 2018 election,

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

I was elected in the 2017 City of Nanaimo by election and in the 2018 City of Nanaimo election. I sat on the Nanaimo Police Based Victim Services Board from 2010 until July 2022, I am on the Alano Club Board and the Nexus Clinic Board. I am the chair of the Family Council for Dufferin Senior Care home and I am part of the Vancouver Island Family Councils. From 2010-2014 I was in charge of the Nanaimo RCMP Community Policing unit and met with many organizations and group. This allowed me to know about the many challenges they faced and continue to face.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I am running because I believe I understand many of the issues facing the citizens of Nanaimo. I spent 36 years in public service as a police officer and the last 5 1/2 as a City Councillor. I believe I still have more to give and would like the opportunity to serve further. I would like to be part of a Mayor and Council who work together to improve our City.

What are your top three issues?

Public Safety. Since I was first elected in 2017 I have always stated public safety must be a priority. I chaired the Public Safety Committee from 2017-2018 until the present day Council decided not to have a Public Safety Committee. Economic Development. We need to work to attract higher paying jobs to our City. As more businesses and industry locate to Nanaimo we have a larger tax base which can help alleviate the increasing property taxes. Streamline City services. We had a Core review which identified many issues within the City. We need to look at the recommendations and start implementation on those identified as priorities.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

My vision is Nanaimo is a City people want to live in. We are people and business friendly. Our citizens have access to great medical care, good paying jobs, and they feel safe going anyplace in the City.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

I struggle to answer this question for a few reasons. One in my opinion Council needs to represent the community and we should be advancing community priorities. Two I am but one vote at the Council table and if my big idea does not align with the other votes it does not work. and three I believe the best thing a Councillor can do for their community is listen to constituents, be honest in your discussions with them, come prepared to all meetings keep and open mind and finally be accountable.

If there is one thing I see as a priority is getting the hospital plan implemented. This will see an increase in medical services for our community not forcing them to go to Victoria and Vancouver.