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Another rockin' Saturday at the Cambie

The Spitfires visit city for the first time

It's the Sex Pistols crossed with AC/DC, 70s rock and punk emerging from Vancouver's underbelly in the Spitfires and coming to town with the help of Got Pop? Productions for another hard-driving, head-pounding Saturday night at the Cambie.

"You go to a Spitfires show and you can expect to get kinda wet. It gets kinda crazy. ... It's loud and it's fun, it's just crazy rock and roll. No one gets hurt," says drummer Marty Peters on the line from Vancouver.

The Spitfires are notorious for high-energy performances and he credits the live show with really selling the band; it's a reputation they're committed to living up to.

Saturday's show will mark the Harbour City debut for the Spitfires. "We just want to get some bodies out, enough people there to earn our keep and come back again, play to some new people," Peters says."

When the Spitfires started rocking it out in the late 90s they picked up an ardent fan base then struck out on the road with their frenetic live show and played with acts like the Hellacopters, the Gaza Strippers, the Black Halos, and the Murder City Devils. Peaking in 2003 the band took a breather and reunited last year with the release of Three, a double disc from Out of the Loop Records. Back for another kick at the can are Jason Solyom (vocals), CC Voltage (bass), Mr. Dean O (guitar), and Peters.

"I think everybody just had the urge and the itch to play with each other again," Peters says. A combination of new blood in the form of seasoned guitarist Marcel Lafleur and pressure from local fans conspired to put them back in the saddle.

Demo'ing since January, the band hopes to have an album ready for the fall; new guitarist and new chemistry are yielding great new material.

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Also on the bill are Nanaimo's Redheaded Stepchild, a band that reminds me of a particularly ill-behaved red-haired boy I know: loud and out of control. Another local act, Unlabeled, will kick things off Saturday night. The show starts at 10 p.m. and tickets are available at the door or in advance from MusicMaxx.

- With over a decade in the trenches of the music industry, we're reasonably sure Alexandria knows what she's talking about: [email protected].