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Enjoy a different horror show this weekend

Dover Bay presents a twist on the genre

A horror show isn't normally considered an evening of rollicking family fun, but The Clumsy Custard Horror Show promises a wonderful time for everyone.

Dover Bay Theatrix opens the doors on this hilarious mix of swashbuckling romance, mad scientists and bad puns for a three night run, starting yesterday until Saturday.

The Clumsy Custard Horror Show (and ice cream clone review) takes us to the land of Zob, both proper, and improper. In Zob proper, King Dumb is preparing to marry off his daughter, Princess Prince, unaware that his trusted advisor, Malforce is secretly working for the ruler of Zob Improper, Lord Dacron. Malforce has arranged a clever ploy to make the princess a target for Dacron's clones, Poly and Ester to kidnap and bring to their plotting master.

Fortunately for everyone, especially the audience, Swashbuck Valpariso and his trusted Worfle friend arrive from Valthusia for the prince picking ceremony and find themselves called upon to use Swashbuck's amazing power of fast feet more than once.

Taking us through the story is Arnis Boheme, master storyteller and his ever helpful ushers. Arnis and the ushers involve the audience in creating background sound effects to set the mood, and supply actors for the odd missing character. The audience will even find themselves helping rescue the hapless heroes as they find themselves enmeshed in Dacron's slimy web.

The Clumsy Custard Horror Show (and ice cream clone review) by William Gleason is produced with permission of Dramatic Publishing Co. Tickets will be available at the school office, and More Than Movies, Dover Road for $6 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Curtain time is 7 p.m.