Dear Reena: Whenever IÌýbuy household items with thick packaging, itÌýtakes me a long time to remove it. Often, my scissors can’t cut through the thick plastic. Do you have any ideas to make itÌýeasier?
Use a can opener on the edge of the plastic, you won’t believe how much easier this task becomes.
Dear Reena: We installed new appliances and I could remove the thin film protective coating on all but the microwave. The film on the microwave seems thinner than the other protective coatings. Any suggestions?
Without knowing the microwave brand, I can tell you that some manufacturers install a thin plastic film that can be peeled off only when certain screws are removed. Other microwaves have a thin plastic coating that is meant to beÌýpermanent. Please double check the manufacturer’s instructions. If the film is removable, here are two tips sent in by other readers: wipe the microwave with cooking spray and scrape with aÌýplastic credit card or wipe with household ammonia, peel and wash with dish soap and water. Always test on an inconspicuous area first.
Dear Reena: How do you keep white socks white?
Some lower quality socks pill and darken after laundering. Purchase medium quality socks and toss them in a pot with 1 Tbsp lemon juice or a half lemon. Boil for five mins. Cool and wash as normal.
Dear Reena: I have used the same plastic containers for 25 years and they are still in good shape except for a food odour that I can’t get rid of. Any suggestions?
Use a pastry brush and smear the plastic interior with either mustard or toothpaste. Make sure that you cover every corner. Fill the container with water and leave for a few hours, the smell should be gone. If the containers continue to smell, stuff them with crumpled newspaper, seal and leave for a few days. Remove the newspaper.
Tips from readers:
• To remove clown make-up from clothing, wash with glycerin soap and water. Dee Dee the Clown
• To remove a label from a bottle, take a tissue that is wide enough to cover the bottle and long enough to completely wrap around it. Soak it with just enough Williams Lectric Shave so that it is well soaked. Cover with a plastic film and let sit for five or six hours. Depending on the glue and length of time soaking, the label should slide off as if it was held in place by oil, with little, if any, clean-up. Alan
• An easy and inexpensive way toÌýabsorb greasy hair is to rub cornstarch into your scalp. Brittany
• I used to have difficulty openingÌýjars until I came across this easy solution. Secure one elastic band around the middle ofÌýthe jar. Secure another elastic band around the lid. The rubber makes it easy to grip and turn. Manuela
Note: Every user assumes all risks of injury or damage resulting from the implementation of any suggestions in this column. Test all products on an inconspicuous area first. To ask a question or share a tip, go to