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Changing the world begins in our own backyard

Desiring change in a community means moving from the idea of it to the practical implementation, but are we really willing to do that in our own communities?

Have you ever made a list of new Year’s resolutions? Or maybe set a target goal? The desire to be a better version of ourselves is an innate human quality. We humans are rarely ever satisfied with the status quo; there’s always something we wish to improve or to gain. And when this is independent of social pressures and lack of self-confidence, it can be a beautiful and motivational force in a person’s life.

But now think about the next step in that process. What did you do to accomplish that goal? What concrete action did you take to make the dream a reality? And unfortunately, it is at this step where most dreams die and turn to dust so to speak. When it’s time to act, those goals become increasingly further and further away.

We can all describe the ideal world…the stereotypical wish for world peace, or the more specific desire to be rid of racism and sexism. We often wonder why we are not getting any closer to these goals? In fact, it often seems in recent times that we are getting further away from the goals.

Allah the Almighty tells us in the Holy Quran:

“Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change the condition of themselves.”

It is something to contemplate upon, something so profound. The change starts with us. With the individual. The realization of our dreams starts with us. We are the catalyst; that factor that turns a dream into reality.

So the second step after creating a goal is so simple and yet so important: YOU. And by that, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to undertake a physical action, etc. Although that is a good start. But even before that, mentally preparing for that goal and embracing the change that will need to happen.

Having a dream is one thing. Like everybody can support the idea  - “let’s end homelessness.” But simultaneously, it often ends in a case of not-in-my-backyard when the practical part of that equation comes into play. Create a shelter? Yes, but not in our neighbourhood! They need startup cash? Yes, but not our tax dollars!

The same can be said for so many social issues. “End racism”? YES and everyone is on board. But let’s hire minority members? No. Diverse representations in books and media? No! Stop using the n-word? No!

Do we really want change, do we really want to realize our goals if we cannot move from an idea to a practical manifestation? Sometimes we get too caught up in the hype and the idea, we forget that it takes work, real hard work to realize that change.

And that’s why Allah reminds us that the change starts with us. We want His Help in seeing a change in our people, in our society? Then we have to start realizing that change in ourselves. It starts at home. It starts with you.

End homelessness? Set aside a coin jar to collect your coins for a trusted shelter. Pack up unused good clothes and donate it. Pay attention to legislation. End racism? Embrace diversity all-around you…in books and movies and toys. Clean up your language. Watch the implicit bias in your own decisions and actions.

The change starts with us.

Be the change. And Allah will bless us in bring a conduit to even bigger changes.

Maryam Baksh is a graduate from University of British Columbia. She is a member of the Muslim community in Vancouver and a busy young mother.

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This article was published in the print edition of the sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ on Saturday, October 8th 2022