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Learning to love God, rather than fearing Him

A lesson from a hummingbird taught me about the importance of loving God,The phrase 鈥 fear of God 鈥 creates strong feelings in the hearts of most people.

Learning to Love GodA lesson from a hummingbird taught me about the importance of loving God,The phrase 鈥溾 creates strong feelings in the hearts of most people. Yet it has been used in the writings of religions throughout history

According to Wikipedia, fear of God聽鈥渞efers to聽聽or a specific sense of respect, awe, and submission to a聽.鈥 People subscribing to prevalent monotheistic religions might fear divine judgment, hell, or God鈥檚 omnipotence.

Growing up, my聽聽was very elementary. Like most people, I had a fear of going to hell and suffering for eternity. I used to think that when I did something terrible, God the All-Seeing, would see my actions, and sooner or later would think of a punishment. And then I would pay for my sins. Gradually I came to understand it better.

I am sure people who do not believe in a higher power see the whole concept of the fear of God as a gimmick to control the ignorant. I do not blame them for thinking that since sometimes, I struggle to understand it.

After referring to the Baha鈥檌 writings, however, my vision has changed. First, I realized that God is not someone who is waiting for us to make a mistake and punish us.

聽鈥淕od is the Father of all. He educates, provides for and loves all; for they are His servants and His creation.鈥 -Abdu鈥檒-Baha

Recent personal experience also made me think differently. I have a beautiful garden with many varieties of flowers and fruit trees. It has been my prize material possession and a source of fantastic pleasure. I share the fruits with everyone in the community. Flowers attract birds and insects, and among them are a few families of hummingbirds who enjoyed the flowers that I have planted for them. I have put out a feeder specifically for them. I was not surprised to see that they enjoyed the feeders so much that they decided not to migrate. Instead, these hummingbirds have stayed the winter with me for the past few years. I put out the feeders for the whole winter since there are no flowers or other food sources.

Last year was extremely cold, and for more than a month, the temperature went below zero. The feeder would freeze at night, which meant that I had to defrost the feeder every morning and put it out again. They knew the routine and were always waiting for me, chirping to tell me to hurry up.

One day as I was putting out the feeder for them and watching their happiness, it dawned on me that if I do not feed them, they will die. Then I realized how much I loved them and how sad I would be without them. I had even cancelled a trip to take care of them. How I wished that they knew how much I loved them.聽 They didn鈥檛 realize that their life was in my hands 鈥 or that I made sure they were provided for 鈥 because of my love for them. Nobody asked me to do that.聽

At that moment, I felt how God must think about us. He loves us, and because of that love, he created us. He did not have to do it, but he created the whole universe, and all he wished was that we try to know him and show our love to him.

That opened my spiritual eye, and the fear of God disappeared. I thought about how all I have to do is follow his teachings that have been given to humanity by his manifestations. Without divine guidance, humanity cannot find the right path to spiritual progress.聽

In life, we have people that are our role models 鈥 someone we love, respect,聽and admire immensely. They could be our parents, our coach, our teacher, or mentor. We do everything to please them, and disobeying them is the last thing in our minds. We do that because we know that they love us, and listening to them is for our benefit.聽

In my spiritual immaturity and limited brainpower, I see God鈥檚 love and the fear of God as the same. So, in my mind, when I read the Holy writings on this subject, I replace the word 鈥渇ear鈥 with 鈥渓ove,鈥 and then it all makes sense to me.

鈥淲e have admonished Our loved ones to fear God, a fear which is the fountain-head of all goodly deeds and virtues.鈥 - Baha鈥檜鈥檒lah

Again, in my mind, I replace the word 鈥渇ear鈥 with 鈥渓ove.鈥澛 You can try replacing the word 鈥渇ear鈥 with 鈥渓ove,鈥 too.

My fear of God is the fear of me not measuring up to his expectations, knowing that by not following his teachings, I have deprived myself of his limitless blessing 鈥斅爃is love 鈥斅燼nd that creates great fear in my heart. I believe that fear of God is an essential policing tool to help keep my conscience in check. It serves to remind me of the consequences of not following the right path.聽

Learning to love God rather than fearing HimBadi Shams is a Baha鈥檌 and a mystic at heart, whose field of interest is in economics. He has published a compilation "Economics of the Future", and also more recently the book "Economics of the Future Begins Today". He is retired from the educational system. You can read more of Badi's materials on his website聽

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Photo of hummingbird by Badi Shams