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The Canadian Book Launch of But I Live … Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust

A roundtable discussion with Dr. Charlotte Schallié, UVic’s Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, artist Miriam Libicki, and Holocaust survivor David Schaffer will take place from 2:00 – 4:00 pm on September 11, 2022 at Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion, 1070 Tillicum Road, Victoria V9A 2A1.
But I live..Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust

The Canadian book launch of But I Live ... Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust
A roundtable discussion with Dr. Charlotte Schallié, UVic’s Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, artist Miriam Libicki, and Holocuast survivor David Schaffer.
2:00 – 4:00 pm on September 11, 2022
Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion

But I Live .... has been described as “the most powerful collection of non-fiction graphic novellas of the Holocaust since Art Spiegelman’s Maus." Pairing Holocaust survivors with contemporary artists to create haunting and beautiful stories of resilience and survival, the book elucidates, in the words of Holocaust scholar Henry Greenspan, “the complex relationships between story and image in Holocaust recounting. It is equally a book about relationships . . . between the artists and the survivors and then all of us who are . . . drawn into their vital conversations.” The German version of the book, Aber ich lebe ... , which was also featured in an exhibit in Erlangen over the summer, has received quite a bit of press coverage in Germany since its publication, including articles in the Frankfurter Allgemeine and the Tageszeitung (Taz) in Berlin.

The book, which is illustrated by Barbara Yelin, Gilad Seliktar and Miriam Libicki, tells the stories of David Schaffer, Nico and Rolf Kamp, and Emmie Arbel. The telling of these three different stories emerged on three different continents, all of which was coordinated by Dr. Schallié at the University of Victoria. The wider educational project also includes historians, teachers, human rights educators, librarians, archivists, among many others.

The upcoming book launch, organized by the Victoria Shoah Project and the University of Victoria, features a discussion of this important work at a roundtable including Dr. Charlotte Schallíe, artist Miriam Libicki, and survivor David Schaffer.

The Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education project is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. More information about the entire project can be found at graphic-novel+expert-advisory.

For those wishing to attend the event, please register at:

Charlotte Schallíe, Chair, Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, University of Victoria,

[email protected], 250-721-7321
Miriam Libicki, artist, [email protected]

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