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“The Original Deed”, a historical drama about Congregation Emanu-El Synagogue

The Original Deed by Sid Tafler , a historical drama about Congregation Emanu-El will be performed in the synagogue on November 15 , 16, 18, & 19 at 7 pm . (There is no performance on Friday, Nov. 17.

The Original DeedSid Tafler, a historical drama about Congregation Emanu-El will be performed in the synagogue on November 15, 16, 18, & 19 at 7 pm. (There is no performance on Friday, Nov. 17.)  Tickets: $20 adults/$15 students may be purchased at Ticket Rocket, at ǰ. This production is a benefit for the synagogue.

ճOriginal Deed is a story of love, loss and conflict among eight members of a family—and their lawyer.  Sam, a Holocaust survivor and downtown jeweler, fights to save thsynagogue from the wrecking ball while his son Morry tries to sell the building and move the congregation to the suburbs. As the father/son struggle reaches a climax, Sam invokes ThOriginal Deed and a ghostly figure from his past emerges to salvage his dreams and his memories.  More information at .