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Spiritually Speaking

Being in nature helps forge true spiritual connection

Being in nature helps forge true spiritual connection

Quietly letting nature speak to us in its many different forms is a simple way to embrace the Heart of Christ.
Is 'Fighting' still the only way of dealing with a problem?

Is 'Fighting' still the only way of dealing with a problem?

I wonder if there are other ways of approaching our challenges and problems rather than dealing with them with so much anger,
No Place for Fascism in Churches or Communities

No Place for Fascism in Churches or Communities

Rather than being passive in the face of creeping fascism, let us turn the tide. Together we can make Victoria a safer place for racialized people including Indigenous neighbours, queer folks, disabled folks, women, and children.
Replacement Theory meets Replacement Theology

Replacement Theory meets Replacement Theology

These past months we have been hearing about ‘replacement theory’ in our newspapers, although probably even more frequently online in social media.
What can an Honorary doctorate signify?

What can an Honorary doctorate signify?

I commend to you as graduates to be part of communities of service. Because only together can we, will we, make the changes required for the healing and wholeness of this world.
Pride parade's hopes lie in accepting humanity in all

Pride parade's hopes lie in accepting humanity in all

Tomorrow, June 26th, is the Victoria PRIDE parade. I hope and pray it is full of joy in celebrating the great rainbow of people who are all beloved of God
The Need for Spiritual Consultation

The Need for Spiritual Consultation

The present-day methods of consulting, negotiating, and decision-making is ego-driven and individualistic. The world needs spiritual consultation - but what does that look like?
What must churches do to practice real Christian love?

What must churches do to practice real Christian love?

As church generally mirrors society, so too are we all shifting from judgmental hypocrisy to elemental empathy. From fear of the ‘not me’ to embracing the familiar that exists within and among each part of creation.
Take Shabbat into your week

Take Shabbat into your week

Take a Shabbat - a regular break every week from the busy world, and unplugging so as to engage with our families, is vital to our spiritual, mental and physical health
What will you hear when you listen to your soul?

What will you hear when you listen to your soul?

When we listen to our G-dly soul, I believe we will hear what we need to do in the physical world to support and fulfill our individual mission.