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Spiritually Speaking

Small acts show that love is more powerful than hate

As I was on Galiano Island waiting for the ferry to take me back to Swartz Bay on Sunday afternoon, I watched a woman with a flat of flowers going from car to car.

Wonder Woman and our own epic journey

My partner and I went to Wonder Woman last night, expecting a reinstitution of Super Hero resolution of human trials and tribulations, (we were not disappointed), in the feminine aspect, we were pleasantly surprised to see the movie lift up the reali

Let's use this opportunity for a course correction

This coming Sunday marks the beginning of the Christian season of Pentecost. Our scriptures tell us the followers of Jesus were filled with the fire of the Spirit and began speaking in languages no Galilean fisherman should have commanded.

Break from screens reveals spirituality of face-to-face talk

A friend and well respected academic, often tells the story of how his life was transformed by a group of nomads in the Middle East. “They offered me hospitality in a time of need.

The Ascension - I don't believe it! Or at least, I don't believe it like that!

Tomorrow – Thursday 25 th May – is Ascension Day.

Learn from the past, but you don't need to live in it

I recently had the great joy of going to see the 30 th Anniversary Tour of ‘The Joshua Tree’ by U2 in Vancouver, it was great – the music, the show, the stadium full of people, the atmosphere – all of it made for an exceptional night and it was a fan

Zen and the art of living on a tiny blue dot

Zen Buddhism. For me, this is the perfect spiritual path for our times. It calls us to wake up! See the world and our place in it, just as it is. We are tiny, very short-lived, and sometimes not at all wise.

With some practice you can flourish in hard times

During critical times when perhaps we just want to hide our heads in the sand, it is crucial to remember the things which actually help to nourish us and our families and friends.

Sleeping will help you connect with the Divine

In my last article, I asked you to imagine that your start your day in the evening as the sun begins to set and the stars begin to come out. To support this idea, I drew your attention to a verse in the Bible and commentary from the Talmud.

Why it pays to start your day by going to sleep

Imagine for a moment that waking up wasn’t the first thing you did to start your day.