Given what happened with sewage treatment and the Blue Bridge replacement project, people have a right to be nervous about local government taking on another major capital project.
But it appears Victoria city council has covered all the bases with the new fire department headquarters approved unanimously by councillors Thursday.
In partnership with Dalmation Developments, the plan calls for the construction of a new main firehall in the downtown core that would cost $33.7 million, about $12 million less than the cost of replacing the current headquarters on Yates Street. Features such as sidewalk improvements and project-management costs will bring the total to $35.9 million. Two floors will be taken up by the public-safety complex; upper storeys will be developed for such uses as commercial outlets or affordable housing.
Like the bridge-replacement project was touted to be, this is a fixed-price contract. But the contrasts between the two projects are stark. The bridge was a design-as-you-go project; this time around, the city is clear on what it wants, and the financing is in place. Partnering with a developer means the city鈥檚 risks are low. Building a mixed-use facility makes a lot of sense.
All told, the proposed complex appears to be a well-planned, sensible project.