Celebrations for Open Space’s 50th year of operation continue this week with an exhibition showcasing the work of participants in the 2022 Indigenous Emerging Artists Program.
The Stories We Belong To opens Nov. 19 and runs through Feb. 11 at the not-for-profit multidisciplinary artist-run centre, which is located at 510 Fort St.
The group exhibition is a showcase of work by Indigenous artists between the ages of 15 and 30 who received guidance via the program. Mentors included Eli Hirtle, Open Space’s curator of Indigenous and contemporary art; Gerry Ambers, elder-in residence; Tyrone Elliott, elder support; and Jesse Campbell, Tah’lum Indigenous Artists Collective director.
“The Indigenous Emerging Artist Program helped me as an emerging artist find community and grow in a supportive and culturally safe environment,” said Campbell, who now works as a mentor and facilitator in the program.
“[Participants] past and present have the rare opportunity to get the real unfiltered experience of learning directly what it’s like to work as a professional artist. These opportunities have led some to become professional artists in their own right.”
For more information on the program, visit openspacearts.ca.