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Ask family doctor about hemorrhoids

Dear doctors: What causes hemorrhoids? I have one that hangs out. I use hemorroidal cream to keep away the burning. I cannot find a doctor in my town who treats hemor-rhoids. What can I do? R.B.

Dear doctors: What causes hemorrhoids? I have one that hangs out. I use hemorroidal cream to keep away the burning. I cannot find a doctor in my town who treats hemor-rhoids. What can I do?


Hemorrhoids are bands of anal tissue containing arteries, veins, muscle fibres and filler material called connective tissue. What causes enlargement of hemorrhoids isn't known with certainty. Many believe that straining to eliminate hard stool promotes their formation.

When a blood clot forms in a hemorrhoid, that's painful. Hemorrhoids often are subject to bleeding. What you have is a prolapsed hemorrhoid, one that has dropped through the anal opening.

Some measures that alleviate the discomfort of hemorrhoids are sitz baths. You sit in a tub with warm water that reaches to the halfway mark on your buttocks, and stay there for 15 minutes. Bring your heels as close to your buttocks as you comfortably can. Do this twice a day.

Keep your stool soft by increasing your intake of fibre. If you can't get enough fibre from your diet, then get a product like Metamucil, which can be found in all drugstores. Continue using your hem-orrhoid cream.

Any general practitioner treats hemorrhoids. Ask your family doctor to refer you to a surgeon if he thinks you need one.

Doctors can get rid of hemorrhoids like yours in many ways. One is to slip a special rubber band around the hemorrhoid with a device that is easily used. The rubber band deprives the hemorrhoid of its blood supply, and in a short time it sloughs off. Many other procedures for dealing with hemor-rhoids are available.

Dear doctors: I am 80 years old. My doctor tells me I am very healthy for my age. My question is: How much water should I drink each day? My wife thinks I drink too much water.


You can count all fluids you drink as part of your fluid balance, not just water. Coffee and tea count. Solid foods contain liquids, and they figure into your daily intake. Fruits and vegetables are 90 per cent water. Watermelon, berries, grapes, tomatoes and lettuce are closer to 98 per cent water. Even very dry-looking food, like bread has water in it. You don't have to drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day.

Drink when you're thirsty. It's true that the sensation of thirst is blunted at older ages, but it's still a reliable guide for liquid need.

If your urine is pale yellow, you are getting more than enough water (or other fluid).