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Your Good Health: Not all tumours require surgery

Dear Dr. Roach: My wife has been told that she has a tumour (noncancerous, the doctors think) on her pituitary gland.

Dear Dr. Roach: My wife has been told that she has a tumour (noncancerous, the doctors think) on her pituitary gland. The specialist told her that it's so small that they don't expect it to grow, and since she isn't showing any symptoms, they are not going to do anything about it. He told her to get another MRI in a year to see if the size has changed.  It was very small (microadenoma). It was found when she was noted to have a high amount of prolactin.

This scares me. The pituitary gland is important to several functions of the human body, hormonewise. A tumour on or near it should be removed, in my (non-medically trained, of course) opinion.  

Should she get a second opinion on this tumour and any kind of treatment plan? And what is your opinion on pituitary gland tumours? Remove them or not?


Pituitary tumours are much more common than once thought. They can be found when a person produces too much hormone, such as TSH, the hormone that stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid hormone, or if a person doesn’t produce the hormones he or she is supposed to, causing low thyroid hormone or other deficiencies — especially low LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which regulate ovarian function and the menstrual cycle in women. Any pituitary tumour, even if it doesn’t make anything, can cause a high prolactin level, since a tumour can block the signal telling the pituitary NOT to make prolactin. Prolactin stimulates milk production after a woman has a baby, but very high levels can cause galactorrhea (milk production) in a woman who hasn’t been pregnant. Prolactin-producing tumours have higher prolactin levels. The diagnosis of a pituitary tumour is made by carefully evaluating the hormone regulation and by imaging the pituitary gland, usually with an MRI.

Pituitary tumours are treated if they are causing significant problems. The optic nerve runs right underneath the pituitary gland, so a large tumour can affect eyesight, and this situation needs prompt treatment.

A microadenoma is less than one centimetre, and 95 per cent of these did not enlarge in a study following people for four to six years. Prolactin-secreting tumours can be treated medically — and they should be if the LH and FSH are affected — by a medicine such as cabergoline. Cabergoline also can be used if the prolactin level is high enough to cause galactorrhea.

I understand the desire to remove a tumour in such an important area. It is a universal human response. However, not all require surgery, or even treatment with medication. Surgery is indicated to relieve vision changes or other neurologic problems related to the tumour, which isn’t likely in your wife’s case because it is small, or to manage hormone deficiencies. One deficiency your wife’s endocrinologist would have evaluated carefully is the ability to make cortisone. If the pituitary can’t make enough cortisone (this happens about 30 per cent of the time), that requires prompt treatment.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to [email protected].