Dear Dr. Roach: My husband had prostate cancer in 2013. He was treated with radiation, and was thought to be cured. Well, one year later, he found out he had cancer in his liver. He lived eight months before going into hospice for his last 15 days.
Do you think the radiation of the prostate spread the cancer to his liver? If he had had only surgery, would the cancer not have spread? I am still grieving and questioning.
Both radiation and surgery can provide a good chance for cure in most patients with prostate cancer that is localized, meaning that it has not already spread. It is not clear which is better, and for any given man, radiation might be better than surgery, or vice versa, which is why the choice needs to be carefully individualized by the experts managing the prostate cancer, including a urologist, radiation therapist and possibly medical oncologist.
Radiation doesn’t cause cancer to spread, so I think you can stop feeling that your husband did not get the correct treatment. It’s likely that a few cancer cells had already spread to the liver before he got radiation treatment. (That is, if the liver cancer was indeed from the prostate, since you haven’t told me enough to know for sure that it was. Many cancers can spread to the liver. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common cancer of the liver itself.) Â
If he had elected to have surgery, the cancer cells still would have already been in the liver, he likely would have had the same outcome, and you probably would be wondering whether the surgery had caused the cancer to spread.
I have found that after someone dies from cancer, their family and loved ones often second-guess their treatment: What if they had gone to a better hospital? What if they had tried a different diet or supplements? There is an endless list of things you might have done to try to change the outcome. However, the vast majority of the time, there is nothing for a family member to blame him- or herself for. There is no situation so bad that adding guilt on top of it can’t make it worse, and the guilt doesn’t help anything.
I mentioned medical oncology — some early trials suggest that chemotherapy given in addition to radiation therapy may improve cure rates in some men with high-risk prostate cancer.
Dear Dr. Roach: I have dealt with high cholesterol for 15 years or so, and am now taking Crestor. I have tried diet and exercise, with not much improvement in my cholesterol. I will try to do better with food, but I don’t understand why some of the foods on the list of those considered OK have cholesterol: Should I go by the amount of healthy fats, like mono- and polyunsaturated?
Only animal products contain significant amounts of dietary cholesterol; however, dietary cholesterol is not a major factor in determining blood cholesterol, because blood cholesterol is regulated. If you eat more, your body makes less, as your body has a certain set point, which is largely genetically regulated. For this reason, avoiding dietary cholesterol is no longer considered an important factor in treating high cholesterol.
However, some foods that are high in cholesterol also are high in saturated fat, which probably does increase the risk of heart disease. So I would indeed choose foods with low amounts of unhealthy saturated and trans-saturated fat, while getting good amounts of monounsaturated fat from olive or other oils, avocados and nuts.
In some people, even a few pounds of weight loss can bring cholesterol levels down without medication. Â Â Â
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to [email protected].