Dear Dr. Roach: Why aren’t all people screened for genetic hemochromatosis? It is the most common inherited disease. The tests are simple and would save so much suffering and massive payments for care. I know people who suffer from cardiac, liver or lung problems; diabetes; severe joint pain; fatigue; and many other problems. Early treatment is essential. Awareness must be raised.
Genetic (hereditary) hemochromatosis is indeed a common but little-known genetic condition. It is the most common among those of European ancestry, while sickle cell anemia is more prevalent in those of African descent.
It is caused by a single gene mutation that makes the gut absorb as much iron as possible, when normally we stop absorbing it at times when we don’t need it. The excess iron may overload the liver, eventually leading to cirrhosis. Iron also may build up in the heart (causing heart failure), pancreas (causing diabetes), joints (causing arthritis) and other organs. Treatment is easy: It’s one of the last diseases to be treated with phlebotomy (blood removal). If treatment is begun early, certainly before cirrhosis starts, nearly all symptoms can be averted (though joint pains generally stay).
There is not a consensus that screening for hereditary hemochromatosis is worthwhile. Many people identified by screening are unlikely to progress to clinical disease. Further, the cost is high — estimated to be over $100,000 to find one case of the potentially life-threatening disease.
A 2006 study from Australia, however, did show that the condition can be found in the population and that treatment can reverse the damage found in those who screened positive. Policymakers await further studies to decide whether to recommend universal screening.
In the meantime, people with a family history for hereditary hemochromatosis should definitely be screened. The type of screening test depends on age and sex. More importantly, clinicians should be aware of this condition and should consider the diagnosis in people with nonspecific symptoms, especially fatigue. Both men and women are affected by hereditary hemochromatosis, although men typically are affected earlier. People with Celtic ancestry are at particularly high risk.
Dear Dr. Roach: I am an adult with Type 2 diabetes and now receive eye injections. In exercising with weights, I wonder if muscle tension is causing any stress on my eyes. The health trainers give conflicting information.
Injections in the eye for diabetics usually are given as a treatment for proliferative diabetic retinopathy or for diabetic macular edema. The injections, any of three different inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor, work by blocking the growth of new blood vessels, which is an important part of the underlying reason for these eye diseases.
Muscle tension, whether in the body in general or of the eye, is not associated with these eye diseases, so you should feel free to use weights in your exercise program. However, I would use lighter weights; heavier weights can increase the pressure transiently inside the blood vessels of the whole body, including the eye, which can worsen the problem.
A good exercise program can help bring down blood sugar, which is important for reducing risk of complications of diabetes. Don’t stop your exercise program completely for fear of muscle stress: adjust it if necessary.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to [email protected].