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Your Good Health: Swelling not a clear symptom of tachycardia

Dear Dr. Roach: My husband had pacemaker surgery in December following a diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Three weeks later, he developed edema in his lower legs. He was treated by his doctor with a diuretic.
Your Good Health: Coverup due to skin cancer fear could result in low vitamin D

Your Good Health: Coverup due to skin cancer fear could result in low vitamin D

Dear Dr. Roach: I walk outside almost every day for at least an hour. I cover myself from head to toe — long pants and long sleeves, with the backs of my hands covered and a wide-brimmed hat with a bandanna covering my neck and lower chin.
Your Good Health: Green Mountain Asthma Cure banned

Your Good Health: Green Mountain Asthma Cure banned

Dear Dr. Roach: Back in the early 1930s, I had asthma. My dad had asthma all his life. When either of us had an attack, my dad would use a powder called Green Mountain Powder. He would set fire to some of the powder, and we would inhale the smoke.
Your Good Health: Wrong prescription causes bad reactions

Your Good Health: Wrong prescription causes bad reactions

Dear Dr. Roach: An 80-year-old was mistakenly prescribed prednisone, 40 mg, for six months and is now being weaned off over four weeks.
Your Good Health: Checkup reveals vitamin D level low

Your Good Health: Checkup reveals vitamin D level low

Dear Dr. Roach: I recently had a blood and urine checkup. Most everything was within normal range (doing well), except that I am low on vitamin D, at 24. The doctor recommended supplements, but said to be careful not to overdo.
The Doctor Game: Medicine always benefits from human touch

The Doctor Game: Medicine always benefits from human touch

Seventy-two years ago, I arrived in Boston. I’d been accepted as a student at the Harvard Medical School. That night, a full moon shone on the school’s white marble buildings, an awe-inspiring sight I’ve never forgotten.
Your Good Health: Fatigue after prostate cancer issue of low testosterone

Your Good Health: Fatigue after prostate cancer issue of low testosterone

Dear Dr. Roach: Fifteen years ago, I had a successful brachytherapy treatment for prostate cancer. Subsequent annual PSA results indicate minimal levels. I am 82 years old and in otherwise excellent condition, and generally very active.
Your Good Health: Diabetic finds monitoring system too painful

Your Good Health: Diabetic finds monitoring system too painful

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 71-year-old woman who is Type 2 diabetic, but I find the glucose monitoring systems requiring blood samples so painful to use that I don’t test.
Your Good Health: Shingles vaccine recommended despite no history of chickenpox

Your Good Health: Shingles vaccine recommended despite no history of chickenpox

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 84-year-old female. Luckily for me, I have never been ill with chickenpox, measles or mumps.
Your Good Health: Trimix injections for erectile dysfunction are risky

Your Good Health: Trimix injections for erectile dysfunction are risky

Dear Dr. Roach: Do Trimix injections work for erectile dysfunction, and are they safe? M.B. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men, especially as they get older.