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Your Good Health: Doctors can play role in reducing gun deaths

Your Good Health: Doctors can play role in reducing gun deaths

Dr. Roach writes: As I write this, another gun tragedy has taken place in the United States. By the time it gets published, about 1,500 more people are likely to have been killed by guns, many accidentally.
The Doctor Game: The World According to Doc Giff — a pop quiz

The Doctor Game: The World According to Doc Giff — a pop quiz

I hope my columns during 2017 have helped readers live longer and healthier. So which of the following are true or false? 1. There’s evidence that regular activity lowers the risk of dementia.
Your Good Health: Thymus cancer is rare and aggressive

Your Good Health: Thymus cancer is rare and aggressive

Dear Dr. Roach: I’m writing to you regarding my husband’s cancer. He has thymic carcinoma, diagnosed January 2014. It was stage 4.
Your Good Health: Bone-density drug remains in system

Your Good Health: Bone-density drug remains in system

Dear Dr. Roach: I have read in your previous columns that you have expressed caution about taking medications like Fosamax. I hope you can help me with my situation. I am 76 years old. I took Fosamax for 13 years, stopping in 2010.
Your Good Health: Benign mucus plugs in lungs no cause for worry

Your Good Health: Benign mucus plugs in lungs no cause for worry

Dear Dr. Roach: I had a CT scan in July as part of my follow-up care for grade 1 chondrosarcoma. My scans were good, showing no cancer issues; however, one item that was noted said “scattered areas of benign mucus plugging.
Your Good Health: Hepatitis B vaccine usually provides lifetime immunity

Your Good Health: Hepatitis B vaccine usually provides lifetime immunity

Dear Dr. Roach: I have some questions about hepatitis vaccines. I live in Los Angeles, and have recently seen a few articles in the local paper about an outbreak of hepatitis A in the area. I went to my hospital and requested the hepatitis A vaccine.
The Doctor Game: Heartburn? Try cutting back before taking drugs

The Doctor Game: Heartburn? Try cutting back before taking drugs

This is the season to be jolly, and the last thing I want to do is spoil the holiday festivities. But unfortunately, the office parties, family dinners, excess wine and fellowship of singing Auld Lang Syne all take a toll on one’s stomach.
Your Good Health: Blood thinners depend on patient’s needs

Your Good Health: Blood thinners depend on patient’s needs

Dear Dr. Roach: I would like your opinion about staying on blood thinners for the rest of my life. In July 2017, a CT scan showed a small blood clot in my lower-left lung.
Your Good Health: Natural over synthetic statin complicates dosage

Your Good Health: Natural over synthetic statin complicates dosage

Dear Dr. Roach: In a recent column, you said that red yeast rice acts as a kind of natural statin. Can natural and synthetic statins be used together? M.P.A. Red yeast rice is a traditional Chinese food and medicine used for circulation.
The Doctor Game: Heroin for opioid addicts, none for cancer patients

The Doctor Game: Heroin for opioid addicts, none for cancer patients

Where is the common sense and compassion in this country for cancer patients who suffer in agony? I write this because drug addicts, who largely seek pleasure from opioid drugs, are now getting better pain control than cancer victims.