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The Doctor Game: Scaling back on drugs may be best remedy

What鈥檚 the response that shocks me most during my many speaking tours? It鈥檚 the huge combination of drugs swallowed by many North Americans. Equally amazing, most people have no idea why they鈥檙e taking them. Over-medication is dangerous.

Your Good Health: Stomach problem may be gastroenteritis

Dear Dr. Roach: I鈥檓 a 47-year-old woman in good overall health. About six months ago, I began to take several supplements, one of which was vitamin E (200 international units). I had no noticeable adverse reactions to any of the supplements.

Your Good Health: Blood disorder won鈥檛 affect eye treatment

Dear Dr. Roach: When my daughter was pregnant, she was tested for blood abnormalities and was told she has factor V Leiden and PAI-1 4G/5G.

Your Good Health: Swelling in legs has many causes

Dear Dr. Roach: What effect, if any, does alcohol consumption have on swelling in the legs, ankles and feet? I drink only when I go out for dinner or have guests, typically a cocktail and a glass of wine; no swelling in those instances.

Your Good Health: Vaccine for son cuts risk to women

Dear Dr. Roach: What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of HPV vaccine for boys? L.P.B. There are risks and benefits to the individual, but also benefits to society.

Your Good Health: Supplement may ease pain from workouts

Dear Dr. Roach: Please tell me about the supplement SAMe. I am a woman, 58, who suffers from osteoarthritis from my exercise routine, which is heavy lifting of free weights over three days and 15 miles of jogging each week.

Your Good Health: Diet, exercise beat BMI on road to a longer life

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 81-year-old man in good health. I am 5 feet, 11 inches tall and now weigh 175 pounds after intentionally losing 15 pounds through a combination of diet and exercise.

The Doctor Game: If a colonoscopy is good for the Queen, it鈥檚 good for you

How foolish some people are. Even when it means dying from a large bowel cancer at an early age. I`ve seen it happen many times over the years.

Your Good Health: Hep C curable, but cirrhosis irreversible

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 59-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with hepatitis C and cirrhosis. I have never been a drinker. I was treated with Harvoni for three months. I understand the medication is intended to cure the hepatitis C.

Your Good Health: Cholesterol may stem hair loss due to medication

Dear Dr. Roach: I took 70 milligrams of alendronate once a week due to the results of my bone mineral density scan performed in April this year. At that time, I was diagnosed with osteopenia.