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Your Good Health: Prebiotics, probiotics found in a healthy diet

Your Good Health: Prebiotics, probiotics found in a healthy diet

Dear Dr. Roach: Please explain the difference between probiotics and prebiotics. I know they are both helpful for the digestive system, but I鈥檓 not sure why. A.B.
Your Good Health: Anti-seizure meds have role in pain management

Your Good Health: Anti-seizure meds have role in pain management

Dear Dr. Roach: My husband suffers from trigeminal neuralgia. This is often very painful for months at a time, then the pain will stop for a few months before it begins again. He does not want to begin taking an anti-seizure medication.
Your Good Health: People of any age can be organ donors

Your Good Health: People of any age can be organ donors

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 86-year-old woman, and my sister is 91. We are both in good health, with normal health issues for people our age. My question is that we both have contracts with crematory companies, but we also intend to be organ donors.
Your Good Health: Most heart murmurs don't require treatment

Your Good Health: Most heart murmurs don't require treatment

Dear Dr. Roach: I read your recent column regarding asymptomatic atrial fibrillation.
Your Good Health: Three years between Shingrix doses may be too long

Your Good Health: Three years between Shingrix doses may be too long

Dear Dr. Roach: Three years ago, I turned 60 and received my first dose of Shingrix. I had a highly unpleasant reaction, with fever and flulike symptoms.
Your Good Health: Supplemental oxygen helps but doesn't solve COPD

Your Good Health: Supplemental oxygen helps but doesn't solve COPD

Dear Dr. Roach: I have COPD, and my doctor explains that the trouble is that my lungs do not expel the full amount of the breath I take in. This prevents the full oxygen intake from my breath.
Your Good Health: Consult doctor before taking trip

Your Good Health: Consult doctor before taking trip

Dear Dr. Roach: How is preventive medical care handled when an individual is traveling to a remote location? For example, I will be hiking this summer in a remote area with no medical care available (it would take three days to get to a doctor).
Your Good Health: Sleep specialist, psychiatrist could help longtime insomniac

Your Good Health: Sleep specialist, psychiatrist could help longtime insomniac

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 77-year-old woman. I have had problems with insomnia for at least 50 years, but it is much worse now. Some nights I don鈥檛 sleep, and some nights I get maybe three or four hours.
Your Good Health: Data on effectiveness of intermittent fasting mixed

Your Good Health: Data on effectiveness of intermittent fasting mixed

Dear Dr. Roach: I am interested in your perspective on intermittent fasting. I am in a walking group of seniors (all 65+ years). Six of us have been on this diet for six to eight weeks, and everyone has consistently lost a pound a week.
Your Good Health: Link between talcum powder use, ovarian cancer is tenuous

Your Good Health: Link between talcum powder use, ovarian cancer is tenuous

Dear Dr. Roach: Please help me understand the connection between the use of baby powder or talcum powder and ovarian cancer. I can鈥檛 grasp how a product that is applied externally can migrate to the ovaries and cause cancer. K.M.