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Your Good Health: Saw palmetto, glucosamine OK if it seems to help you

Your Good Health: Saw palmetto, glucosamine OK if it seems to help you

Dear Dr. Roach: Are there any recognized benefits from taking either saw palmetto or glucosamine/chondroitin, both of which I have been taking — and paying for — for years. P.F.
Your Good Health: Prostate cancer treatments by proton radiation, IMRT debatable

Your Good Health: Prostate cancer treatments by proton radiation, IMRT debatable

Dear Dr. Roach: I read your recent column on prostate cancer treatments, and I must disagree on the differences between intensity-modulated radiation therapy and proton radiation therapy.
Your Good Health: Why is one ‘identical’ twin gay, the other straight?

Your Good Health: Why is one ‘identical’ twin gay, the other straight?

Dear Dr. Roach: I read your recent column regarding identical twins where one of the two was balding while his twin was not.
Your Good Health: Stem-cell therapy for Parkinson’s raises concerns

Your Good Health: Stem-cell therapy for Parkinson’s raises concerns

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 76-year-old male who’s thinking of having fetal stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease. Please tell me your feelings and offer advice on this subject matter? S.C.
Your Good Health: Temporary stroke terrifying

Your Good Health: Temporary stroke terrifying

Dear Dr. Roach: How does a medical condition get named? Once named, can the name be changed (for example, Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS)? I have a condition called hemiplegic migraines. It is rare and misunderstood.
Your Good Health: Dietitian nutritionist can advise on low-carb diet

Your Good Health: Dietitian nutritionist can advise on low-carb diet

Dear Dr. Roach: Can you send me a copy of your recommended low-carbohydrate diet? I have been trying to follow what I think it should be, but would like an expert to weigh in. K.H.
Your Good Health: Worsening of ‘fatty liver’ seems to be halted with vitamin E

Your Good Health: Worsening of ‘fatty liver’ seems to be halted with vitamin E

Dear Dr. Roach: I was diagnosed with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and had very high AST and ALT numbers. I lost about 25 pounds, and the numbers were normal. As a result of other health issues, the weight came back and the numbers went up.
Your Good Health: Cholesterol ‘advice’ false; low levels usually better

Your Good Health: Cholesterol ‘advice’ false; low levels usually better

Dear Dr. Roach: A 74-year-old woman has a total cholesterol of 123 and was told that low cholesterol like this greatly increases the risk of diabetes, stroke and cancer. It seems she has had low cholesterol for many years.
Your Good Health: AFib diagnosis despite exercise surprises man, 72

Your Good Health: AFib diagnosis despite exercise surprises man, 72

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 72-year-old man. I thought I was in excellent health until I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in a routine physical exam with an EKG about six months ago. I was and continue to be asymptomatic.
Your Good Health: If diabetes controlled, fewer tests needed

Your Good Health: If diabetes controlled, fewer tests needed

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 53-year-old woman, and I weigh 190 pounds. A year and a half ago, I had gastric sleeve surgery. I have lost 24 pounds. I have been diabetic since about 2013. At my last blood analysis, in August 2018, my A1C was 6.