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Your Good Health: Blood-pressure medications leave senior in quandary

Your Good Health: Blood-pressure medications leave senior in quandary

Dear Dr. Roach: I wonder if you could comment on the negative side-effects of various blood-pressure medications for those over 65 — particularly folks who are 80-plus.
Your Good Health: Stomach bacteria contributes to ulcers

Your Good Health: Stomach bacteria contributes to ulcers

Dear Dr. Roach: My 82-year-old husband was diagnosed with H. pylori and was treated with two antibiotics and omeprazole. Would you please expand on what exactly H. pylori is? T.R.
Your Good Health: Health hazards in vaping not yet well known

Your Good Health: Health hazards in vaping not yet well known

Dear Dr. Roach: My teens keep smoking all these flavoured, ethereal wand vapours. They claim it tastes good and even try tricks with the vapour. I’m a concerned parent as I hear these are dangerous magic cigarettes.
Your Good Health: Hormones’ ability to ease MS under trial, but results unclear

Your Good Health: Hormones’ ability to ease MS under trial, but results unclear

Dear Dr. Roach: I recently read an article on MS. I have a young friend who suffers from it. As the article confirmed, and my young friend can attest to, symptoms receded during pregnancy.
The Doctor Game: Prevention easier than cure for abdominal aortic aneurysm

The Doctor Game: Prevention easier than cure for abdominal aortic aneurysm

Ask anyone about AAA and they will immediately think of the American Automobile Association. But it also stands for abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Your Good Health: Flu shot and Lyme disease shouldn’t mix

Your Good Health: Flu shot and Lyme disease shouldn’t mix

Dear Dr. Roach: Should people with Lyme disease avoid the flu shot? L.A. Lyme disease is a potentially serious infection caused by the bacteria Borrellia burgorferi, passed on by a tick bite.
The Doctor Game: Vitamin D has many useful health applications

The Doctor Game: Vitamin D has many useful health applications

Winter’s coming, so how much vitamin D do we need? How much time do you have to spend in the sun to obtain adequate amounts? How does obesity affect the dosage? How many diseases can be prevented by adequate amounts of this vitamin? And what can a ps
Your Good Health: Betaine hydrochloride touted for digestion, but its value is doubtful

Your Good Health: Betaine hydrochloride touted for digestion, but its value is doubtful

Dear Dr. Roach: I started taking betaine hydrochloride for my digestive health. I have had some ongoing issues, and my sister, the wellness guru, has been sharing some things she has learned and suggested this to me.
Your Good Health: Fosamax use ends, bone loss increases

Your Good Health: Fosamax use ends, bone loss increases

FRAX test can reveal risk of fractures
Your Good Health: Man deals with prostate cancer pain by drinking vodka

Your Good Health: Man deals with prostate cancer pain by drinking vodka

Dear Dr. Roach: After treatment for prostate cancer (with brachytherapy) at age 69, my husband started self-medicating for pain with alcohol. His drug of choice is straight vodka in what I feel to be staggering quantities.