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How to set healthy limits with yourself

Do you find yourself in a constant tug-of-war over stressful issues related to time, people and work? On top of these difficulties, you may have childcare issues, problems with an aging parent, or an unhappy spouse.

Do you find yourself in a constant tug-of-war over stressful issues related to time, people and work?

On top of these difficulties, you may have childcare issues, problems with an aging parent, or an unhappy spouse.

This ever-present stress can zap your energy and cause a lot of personal unhappiness.

To reduce some of these pressures and regain balance, each of us should define limits in our lives. Healthy restrictions on what we actually give or do will help us ensure a respectful relationship with ourselves.

In directing your own actions, try these tips to begin setting limits that begin with you:

? Simplify something major. For example, if you're trying to find a job, make it a rule to work on this for just four hours each day. This focus will likely turn up a job quicker than worrying about it eight hours a day.

? Rest your brain often. Even if you're an attorney working on a major case you'll argue in court tomorrow, stop every 40 minutes or so for a brain break. Thinking nonstop will make it difficult to come up with productive ideas.

? Go to bed early a couple of nights each week. Give this time to yourself as a gift. Cut the lights out at 9 p.m. and relax, even if you don't fall asleep right away.

A woman we'll call Kate decided to take back a few hours of her time each week. She says her tight schedule left her no time to meet a friend for dinner or go to a movie.

Kate decided to limit her time on the phone talking casually with friends and checking emails. She also gave a few extra chores to her kids, including taking care of the family pets.

"I trimmed back on everything I could," says Kate. "I told my longwinded friends that I had only a few minutes to talk. And, I stuck to it."

If you never get breathing room in your days, you won't find open time slots to visit the gym, go to a movie, or relax face-to-face with friends.

"I started making a game out of taking back my time," says a college instructor we'll call Allison. "Twice a week, I bring home something from the deli for dinner. Cooking seven days a week is exhausting."

Allison forces herself to sit down and do nothing a couple of nights each week as well. She declares: "If I don't give myself time to read or stare at the sky, nobody else is going to give it to me."

Figuring out limits to impose on yourself is tricky. A guilt message may play in your head.

However, by saving your personal energy and refusing to waste it, you'll build up time and energy in your emotional bank account. Then, you can dip into your emotional energy and use it more wisely.