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Irritation, reaction to medication can cause leaky breasts

Dear doctors: I am 32, married and have two children, ages 5 and 3. In the past month, I have had a pale white discharge from both breasts. I nursed both my children.

Dear doctors: I am 32, married and have two children, ages 5 and 3. In the past month, I have had a pale white discharge from both breasts. I nursed both my children. Could that be a factor here? It's been more

than two years since I nursed my younger child.

The thing I fear most is cancer. Is this a sign of it? I don't feel any breast lump.


In most instances, nipple discharge isn't a sign of cancer. A discharge from both breasts makes a cancer threat even more remote. The kind of discharge you describe is often seen from breast manipulation and irritation. If you have started a running program, the constant rubbing of the breast against a loosely fitting bra can bring on this kind of discharge

Medicines are another cause. Tagamet (cimeti-dine), a popular medicine for heartburn control, is an example. Methyldopa, a blood pressure medicine, is another possible cause. So, too, is Calan (verapamil), widely prescribed for many conditions, including high blood pressure.

Cancer does provoke nipple discharge sometimes. The discharge varies from clear to yellow to bloody. Cancer-related discharges most often come from only one breast. Usually the patient or the patient's doctor also feels a lump buried in the breast. Cancer at your age isn't impossible, but isn't likely. It's something that happens more often to older women.

Your breastfeeding had nothing to do with your current discharge.

The number of conditions that cause leaky breasts is large. They include malfunctions of the pituitary gland, infections and benign (noncancerous) breast growths.

The only way to learn the true nature of your breast discharge is to pay a visit to your doctor. More information and some easily performed exams will get to the bottom of this.

Dear doctors: After brushing my teeth this morning, I got a glimpse of my tongue. It's coated black. It doesn't hurt. I'm writing you to see what this is. Please help.


Most likely, it's black hairy tongue, an elongation of the tiny papillae that stud the tongue's surface. Antibiotic use can bring the problem on. Most of the time, it's something that just happens. Brush your tongue three times a day with toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. It should go away.

Drs. Donohue and Roach regret that they are unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may write the doctors or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.