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July 11: Your Daily Horoscope

Tuesday, July 11th ARIES (March 21 - April 20): As mind planet Mercury moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today your self-belief will return and soon you will be powering ahead again on all fronts.

Tuesday, July 11th

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):

As mind planet Mercury moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today your self-belief will return and soon you will be powering ahead again on all fronts. Your potential is unlimited, so don’t hold back in any way, shape or form.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):

A close personal relationship could do with some attention, so put your work and your social life on hold for a while and remind that special person how much they mean to you. If there are any tears today they will be tears of joy.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):

With your ruling planet Mercury joining Venus in the communications area of your chart today you will be able to persuade just about anyone to do just about anything for you. Will you take advantage of the situation? You would be foolish not to.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23):

Cosmic activity in the area of your chart that governs what you own and earn urges you to take stock of your financial situation and identify areas where savings can be made. You have been a bit too free and easy with your cash of late.

LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):

Although Mars left your sign yesterday you have no intention of slowing down either at home or at work. On the contrary, having got so close to realizing a long-term goal you are determined to go on to the end, which isn’t very far away.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):

You may not be the sort to let your emotions get the better of you but with Mars now moving through your sign you won’t hesitate to come down hard on anyone who annoys you. The next few days will see you at your imperious best.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):

If you stand back from mundane events and focus instead on the bigger picture you may discover something that both surprises and delights you. There is a serious purpose behind your existence and you could be about to discover what it is!

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):

Cosmic activity in the career area of your chart will help you focus your mind on a specific goal and make success ten times more likely than it was before. If you have a clear idea of your objective there is no doubt at all you will reach it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):

Mercury, planet of the mind, joins Venus in the most adventurous area of your chart today, encouraging you to take your destiny in your own hands and strike out in a new and exciting direction. Don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit – or even a lot!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):

The planets warn if you let slip information you were given in confidence you could do lasting damage to a friendship that means a lot to you, so button your lip and refuse to get involved in any kind of gossip – you’re better than that.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):

Now that Mars has moved on from your opposite sign it should be easier to make alliances with people whose outlook on life both complements and contradicts your own. Focus on the things you have in common rather than the things that keep you apart.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):

If you feel the need to take a break today then do so and don’t feel guilty if colleagues have to cover for you. You’ve done plenty of favors for them in the past, so they should be honored they can do something for you for a change.


Love and money don’t always go happily together but romance could lead to unexpected material benefits over the coming year. With two hearts and two minds working together towards a common goal you are sure to be an unstoppable team.

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