Saturday, June 17th
ARIES (March 21 - April 20):
Go where you want to go and do what you want to do this weekend and ignore those who say you should be focusing on more serious business. As far as you are concerned having fun is the most serious business of all, so do only what pleases you.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):
Money matters will be much on your mind over the next 48 hours and the good news is your cashflow situation will improve and so will your mood. Remember though, just because your finances are getting better does not mean you should go on a spree.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):
The new moon in your sign this weekend means you will be eager to start something new, something you can be proud of. However, as Saturn is now beginning its retrograde phase you must make sure your actions do not upset important people.
CANCER (June 22 - July 23):
A sensitive situation could become more sensitive still over the next 48 hours but if you stay calm and focus on facts rather than fantasies you will come through unscathed. In a matter of days your world will become a sunnier and happier place.
LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):
You may be reluctant to take risks this weekend, especially with money, and that’s good, but don’t fall into the trap of shutting yourself away from the world so it can’t do you harm. Yours is a sign that needs action, and lots of it.
VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):
Cosmic activity in the career area of your chart will encourage you to put yourself forward and let people in authority know who you are and what you can do. There is, though, a fine line between being pushy and obnoxious – don’t stray over it.
LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):
You must be clear in your mind this weekend what it is you want to bring into your life and how you intend to get it. The new moon will endow you with no end of confidence and courage but an even more important ingredient is common sense.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):
Be tough with people who need direction over the next 48 hours but don’t go too far and make them hate you. It’s not about being popular, it’s about getting the best from those you work with on a daily basis, and that calls for respect.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):
Use the power of the new moon in the partnership area of your chart to let partners and family members know how much they mean to you. They know already, of course, but it doesn’t hurt to labor the point once in a while. Never take love for granted.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):
You won’t have time for fun and games this weekend, not when there are so many important matters that need taking care of. Others may wonder why you are so averse to enjoying yourself but working hard is clearly your idea of play.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):
A new moon in the most dynamic area of your chart will make this a weekend to remember. Put all thoughts of failure out of your mind and act as if you cannot lose – and you won’t. The fact is it’s not possible to be too adventurous.
PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):
Saturn in your sign begins one of its retrograde phases this weekend, so don’t be surprised if you feel a bit run down, a bit lethargic. Family matters are under more encouraging stars though, so spend time with your nearest and dearest. They’ll cheer you up.
How serious are you about your ambitions? You may think you know what you want to accomplish but your birthday chart indicates it may be time to follow a new path through life, one that makes better use of the special talents you were born with.
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