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Tips to aid with dry skin troubles

Dear doctors: I have extremely dry skin. Is there anything I can take orally for it, rather than applying moisturizing lotions? J. I don't know any oral medicine for dry skin. I can give you some tips on how to lessen your skin's dryness.

Dear doctors: I have extremely dry skin.

Is there anything I can take orally for it, rather than applying moisturizing lotions?


I don't know any oral medicine for dry skin.

I can give you some tips on how to lessen your skin's dryness.

Dry skin becomes a problem for many people in the winter, when furnaces are pushing out hot, dry air.

Those people, and possibly you, benefit by increasing the humidity of the house to between 40 per cent and 60 per cent with a humidifier.

Use only mild soaps like Dove or Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser.

Don't take long baths or showers, and keep the water temperature warm but not hot.

After bathing, pat yourself with a towel, but leave the skin somewhat damp.

That's the time to use a moisturizing product. Petroleum jelly is cheap and effective.

If a moisturizer leaves your skin greasy, first rub a small amount between your hands and then apply it to the skin.

It's not so much a matter of oil returning to your skin as it is water. Your skin needs hydration.

Dear doctors: I have recently been hospitalized and operated on for a bowel obstruction.

I was told that the problem would most likely return, because there is no cure.

What causes the obstruction?


Adhesions are one of the biggest causes of bowel obstruction.

They are strands of scar tissue that wrap around the bowel and strangle it.

Adhesions most often come about from having had previous abdominal surgery.

Everyone who has had any abdominal surgery develops adhesions.

Only a few, however, develop an obstruction.

The surgeon tries to be as careful as possible when handling abdominal organs in order to keep adhesion production to a minimum.

Abdominal infections are another cause of adhesions.

Other causes of bowel obstructions are possible.

I mention adhesions as the probable cause because the doctor told you that you might have another episode of obstruction.

Even if I am right about adhesions being the cause, it's not inevitable that they will come back.

Drs. Donohue and Roach regret that they are unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible.

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