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High-adrenalin adventures await in New Zealand's Queenstown

High-adrenalin adventures await in New Zealand's Queenstown

QUEENSTOWN, New Zealand For travellers wanting to take in the mind-bogglingly stunning scenery of New Zealand’s South Island while getting a high-octane shot of adrenaline, Queenstown and the surrounding Fiordland area are bucket-list must-dos.
A behind-the-scenes glimpse of Oscars magic

A behind-the-scenes glimpse of Oscars magic

After the movie stars finish posing on the Oscar red carpet Sunday night, they’ll swish in their custom gowns and tailor-made tuxes into — a shopping mall. Yes, a mall.
Former tranquil fishing village becomes top tourist destination

Former tranquil fishing village becomes top tourist destination

SAYULITA, Mexico Bookended by seaside rocks that protrude into warm Pacific Ocean waters, the relatively small Playa de los Muertos, or Beach of the Dead, features gentle waves, pelicans diving for fish and sunbathers lying on the sand.
Travel: Believe it or not, the Peg’s a winter hot spot

Travel: Believe it or not, the Peg’s a winter hot spot

When Amanda Burrell told friends that her hometown of Winnipeg had been named one of National Geographic’s must-see destinations for 2016, they thought she was joking.
Elegant Mayfair one of London's endless surprises

Elegant Mayfair one of London's endless surprises

LONDON Last year, London surpassed Paris as the world’s most-visited city, and one has to assume that many of those visitors were not first-timers.
An Islander explores San Francisco on eve of Super Bowl

An Islander explores San Francisco on eve of Super Bowl

With a daily direct flight connecting Victoria and San Francisco, the Californian city is an easy long weekend jaunt for West Coasters, even without the draw of the Super Bowl next Sunday.
Let the spirit move you in Chinatown

Let the spirit move you in Chinatown

SAN FRANCISCO — The best plan for tackling San Francisco’s Chinatown — the second-largest Chinatown in the U.S. (behind New York City) — is no plan at all. Simply wandering the wide streets and narrow alleys will take you where you need to go.

A great place to eat and drink

San Francisco is a city with serious food game, whether playing as multi-starred cuisine served in a white tablecloth hush or a simple crab cocktail eaten amid the boisterous clamour of Fisherman’s Wharf.
Californian cities bathe in Super Bowl limelight

Californian cities bathe in Super Bowl limelight

SAN FRANCISCO — Super Bowl 50, on Feb 7, will be a tailgate of two cities.

Kenya lowers fees to attract more tourists

Travellers to Kenya will face fewer fees when they visit the African nation. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has announced a range of new incentives to encourage tourism.