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Young adult's bruises a sign of trouble

Dear Drs. Donohue and Roach: I am covered with bruises. It looks like I've been in a ring doing mixed martial arts. I haven't. I haven't bumped myself. I do my best to cover them up, but I wonder what's up. Do you have any idea? I don't feel sick.
This cookbook focuses on health of your brain

This cookbook focuses on health of your brain

There's no magic bullet, authors say, but right choices can help you later

Take tattle-talers seriously

Last week, a parent wrote in with a question about a tattle-taler. "My daughter was having a playdate with some friends (ages five to eight) when one of them came and told me that my daughter had deliberately pushed another girl," she wrote.

Foster parents play a key role for kids in need of help

Meaghan and Shawn McKay say whenever people hear they are foster parents, they offer one of two responses. "One response is, 'Oh, my goodness you are such a good person,' " Meaghan said.

Comment: Defence of the working mother

As I was dropping my kids off at school, my younger daughter's kindergarten teacher took me aside. The day before, my daughter had confided that she was feeling sad because, as she put it, "My mommy works all the time." Oof. Sucker punch.
Don't get left behind on wishlist's top toys

Don't get left behind on wishlist's top toys

Even before the cold winter hits, hot toys will be flying off the shelf

Hormone therapy may cut Alzheimer's risk

Benefit seen with earlier treatment, but harm with later treatment for menopausal women

Boomers keep pet-care industry purring

As I write, Billy lies beside me, the picture of contentment. He should be content. He's in a dog bed that retails for about $35. I scratch his ear idly and he begs for more. We nuzzle for a moment, serotonin bouncing back and forth between us.

Do energy drink labels lie?

Energy drinks do not always divulge how much caffeine they contain, and when an amount is listed on a label, it is not always accurate, Consumer Reports magazine has found.

Do-it-yourself monster movie event

Kids and their families can star in their own horror pictures in a special event with Intrepid Theatre