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Irritation, reaction to medication can cause leaky breasts

Dear doctors: I am 32, married and have two children, ages 5 and 3. In the past month, I have had a pale white discharge from both breasts. I nursed both my children.
Arrange the blooms you grow

Arrange the blooms you grow

Cut flower gardens are attractive options for those who don't like removing the best blooms from their borders and beds for indoor display. The bouquets also open new avenues for creativity along with becoming something personal to share.

ood taste is trick to decor

Excess of the gory and grotesque has become tiresome and tacky

Not every hernia requires surgery

DEAR DOCTORS: Recently, during a visit with my primary-care doctor, I was told that I have an abdominal hernia, but I never asked him for an explanation of what this means. Could you explain it, and also the pros and cons of treatment? J.R.


The University of Victoria is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and helping the United Way celebrate its 75th.
A second look can captivate the catwalk

A second look can captivate the catwalk

On the catwalk, Look No. 2 might be worth a second look. Yes, it's usually the opening outfit - and model - that gets the fanfare, but the next one out can make a strong statement, too.
Study finds extra weight tied to higher risk of hospitalization

Study finds extra weight tied to higher risk of hospitalization

Regardless of lifestyle and other health-related factors, heavier people were more likely than lean ones to be hospitalized for a variety of conditions, according to an Australian study.
The business of style

The business of style

Design insiders offer tips on how to take lines from runway to retail

Tales from the Vault: Origin of the Cadborosaurus legend

Hubert Evans was one of the most highly respected writers in British Columbia. Born in 1892, he lived most of his life at Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast. While mainly a novelist, he knew the wildlife well and wrote extensively on it.

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