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Novel a World of wonders

I've followed the world of literary prizes for long enough not to be surprised by which books are nominated, or go on to win: every jury is different, and reading is entirely subjective, so shortlists and prize recipients often (read: almost always)


Books >D9
All style, no substance

All style, no substance

Under Kim Jong-Un, shiny skyscrapers are rising in North Korea even as living standards plummet

A cruise to escape the grey days of autumn on the Island

It was a perfect day for a helicopter ride. Cloudless sky. Friendly staff in the easy-to-handle Ogden Point heliport.


Diversions >D10, D11

How to replace suet in Christmas pudding

Dear Eric: Time to make our Christmas puddings! All my favourite recipes call for suet.
Library is movie-disc heaven - and it's free

Library is movie-disc heaven - and it's free

Greater Victoria branches offer 57,000 DVDs, 1,500 Blu-rays

Major's Corner: Thanks for the beatings, teachers of days gone by

Beware of writing to me as I will answer you, but be warned: I cannot stop being grateful. I tend to be one of those chaps who will thank you for writing and so on and so on.

Search for alien life set to step up a gear

It remains in the realm of science fiction for now, but the discovery of a new planet just four light years away will reignite a race to find a twin of planet Earth that may host extraterrestrial life.

Invite scarecrows to your Halloween party

With Halloween looming, here is a fun treat to make for kids' parties.