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A wandering glimpse of a rock legend's life

A wandering glimpse of a rock legend's life

Waging Heavy Peace: A Hippie Dream By Neil Young Blue Rider Press, 502 pp., $30 Back in high school (a long time ago, but bear with me), my mother and I had an argument about Neil Young.

Despite grim tone, collection of stories will pull you in

Siege 13 By Tamas Dobozy Thomas Allen & Son, 339 pp., $22.95 In The Atlas of B. G脙露rbe, the first of the stories in this collection, Hungarian-born writer Benedek G脙露rbe, now living in New York, is talking to the voice of the story.
Changes wash over the Salish sea

Changes wash over the Salish sea

Gulls screech down to a hard landing beside the boat, empty coves beckon, seals flop lazily over the rocks and ancient Douglas firs, growing on a maze of small Gulf Islands, are reflected in the water.
Around Town: Bowling night at Langford Lanes

Around Town: Bowling night at Langford Lanes

Mcdonald's food unwrapped

Mcdonald's food unwrapped

Chefs transform fast food ingredients into delicious and health-promoting meals
Turn tomato crop into freezable soup

Turn tomato crop into freezable soup

Dear Eric: We have a bumper crop of tomatoes this year, more than our needs for eating raw or giving away.

Rover finds rock with earth-type chemistry

When scientists selected a rock to test the Mars rover Curiosity's laser, they expected it to contain the same minerals as rocks found elsewhere on the Red Planet, but learned instead it was more similar to a rock found on Earth.

Tales from the Vault: The battle of the bishops

Disputes in the Anglican Church tend to be quiet affairs. Strongly held views on various topics certainly exist, but debates mostly occur in hushed tones over teacups. This was certainly not the case in early Victoria.
A day on the salish sea

A day on the salish sea

Seven million people call its shores home, yet most of us are only vaguely aware of the fragile ecosystem we call the Salish Sea.


Diversions >D10, D11