Ladysmith RCMP are reminding the public to remove valuables from unattended vehicles and ensure vehicles are locked after receiving 10 reports over this past weekend about thefts from vehicles.
The thefts took place in the Christie Road area of the town, with cash, headphones, laptops, jewelry and wallets among the items taken.
Police said other items that tend to be taken includes purses, credit cards, GPS units, passports, keys, clothing and sunglasses, and some thieves will break into vehicles for just a few coins or a lighter.
Thieves routinely check the glove box and under seats for hidden items, police said.
They said that having financial documents or credit cards stolen can lead to identity theft, and noted that having a garage-door opener in a car along with personal information can lead to thieves targeting residences.
It is also advisable to secure licence plates with bolts to prevent them from being stolen, police said.