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Single Parents Resource Centre sees spike in demand

The signs are definitely out there. More and more in our community are facing a bleak Christmas this year.

The signs are definitely out there. More and more in our community are facing a bleak Christmas this year.

Those worrying signs began surfacing months ago at the Single Parents Resource Centre, a non-profit organization that assists sole-parent households, according to centre counsellor Cheryl Dyck.

The big tipoff was the spike in the use of its bread and clothing programs by its 600 member families. There was a 40 per cent increase in the last four months by those tapping into both free programs, Dyck said.

"The number accessing these services speaks to a greater need," Dyck said. Most users are looking for budget-stretching provisions.

Another telling sign are the number of phone calls from those unable to pay various household bills. This is something Dyck doesn't recall happening in other years to the degree she's fielding those calls now. The centre doesn't give financial aid so such callers are referred to agencies that might.

"This holiday time is definitely stressful -- just trying to get nice things for the kids," she said.

The centre has it own Christmas hamper program that teams families with businesses or private sponsors. The number of recipients is limited to 80 families. Each must apply to be included in the hamper program.

The applications were set out on Oct. 1. All had been picked up by the end of October, something that hasn't happened in other years, according to Dyck.

For those who missed out on the hamper program, the centre put out applications from the Christmas Bureau, the recipient of dollars raised in the community by the sa国际传媒 Christmas Fund. But Dyck says there are no guarantees that the Christmas Bureau will have the funds for everyone applying.

"The economic crunch is hitting people at the lower levels," Dyck said. And, she added, it's touching some of their sponsors.

"Times are tough, but they still want to give," she said.

Some sponsors have compromised, asking to sponsor a smaller family than they did in previous years.

For the most part, she believes the community grasps the need.

She admits to being nervous last year that the centre might not fulfil its own Christmas hamper obligations.

"There are a lot of generous people out there, Dyck said, meaning not just those supporting the centre's program, but also community holiday fundraising efforts such as the sa国际传媒 Christmas Fund.


- Mail a cheque to the sa国际传媒 Christmas Fund, 2621 Douglas St., Victoria, sa国际传媒 V8T 4M2.

- Use your credit card by phoning 250-995-4438.

- Donate online through our partnership with the Queen Alexandra Foundation at

- The Christmas Bureau can be reached at 250-388-5704.