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Comment: Recreation, water and transportation answers for Galiano housing plan

A commentary by a board 颅member of the Gulf Islands 颅Galisle Affordable Rental 颅Housing Society.
The non-profit group promoting affordable housing on Galiano Island says local objections to its proposal have been addressed through community involvement and contributions that will help provide much-needed options for those working and living on the island. TIMES COLONIST

Re: “Residents split on affordable rental housing plan on Galiano,” July 13.

GIGARHS — the Gulf Islands Galisle Affordable Rental Housing Society — is a non-profit organization pursuing rezoning to allow for 12 units of affordable, secure rental housing for singles, couples, families and seniors on Galiano Island.

The land in question was ­earmarked for affordable ­community housing more than 20 years ago, for such time that a viable non-profit stepped ­forward to build it.

GIGARHS has worked diligently over the past three years, consulting with both privately hired specialists and the Islands Trust — the government body responsible for making the decision about rezoning — to create a robust project toward that end.

Unfortunately, this project has been stalled repeatedly, costing tens of thousands of dollars (most of which has been generously donated by community members), and thousands of hours (on the part of both our Local Islands Trust Committee and a completely volunteer GIGARHS board), by a very tiny but vocal minority on our island.

The objections brought up by the two protesters in the July 13 article have been addressed many, many times over the past three years by both GIGARHS and the Local Islands Trust Committee.

I will address some of them here again:


1. The current zoning of the property is for a “working ­forest.”

2. All but the proposed site within the forest will still be available to the community for recreation.

3. There will be no loss of the existing trail network through the community forest.

4. The road into the proposed site is already a designated public road which will likely eventually be developed to access lots farther north and as the eastern emergency access road for the island.


1. At our recent community information meeting, both the Islands Trust Freshwater Specialist and GIGARHS’ hydrologist clearly stated that, in their professional opinions, the water problems experienced by the neighbours are due to “poor water management” and a lack of “conservancy mindedness” in the neighbourhood, and not indicative of poor water supply in the area.

2. GIGARHS’ well capacity far exceeds the anticipated use of residents.

3. GIGARHS’ has a robust water management plan that includes water catchment for exterior uses and stored water for fire protection.


1. Most, if not all, of the ­people on Galiano who are under-housed already have a car and use it to get to work.

2. The area is serviced by the local school bus.

3. Living in close proximity to others will allow carpooling, and the sharing of trips and errands.

4. GIGARHS will be seeking funding to provide a shared EV for residents.

5. A generous family on Galiano has pledged four electric bikes to the development for the use of the residents.

6. The Capital Regional District recently adopted the Southern Gulf Islands Transportation Integration Plan with the goal of developing a plan for an integrated transportation service that includes walking and cycling networks, and viable public transit options.

The GIGARHS proposal is only a start in addressing the housing shortage on Galiano. The 2018 CRD Housing Needs Assessment identified a need for 70 secure and affordable homes. With the dramatic rise in real estate prices and inflation since then, the need has likely increased. There will be more solutions and more locations needed.

For more information, go to the GIGARHS website,

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