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Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Super awesomesauce workout this morning, then I head to my "office" in the lobby of the Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre to do a little blogging...and I am thwarted. It's like red threw up all over the place...
Super awesomesauce workout this morning, then I head to my "office" in the lobby of the to do a little blogging...and I am thwarted.
It's like red threw up all over the lanterns, red table cloths, red decorations, red writing on the windows, and little Chinese ladies wearing red Mandarin collared jackets and cheongsams.? There is quite the impressive spread of home-made food that has been brought in by all these fabulous, rowdy women.? The sign outside reads:? The ladies invite you to our Chinese New Year Luncheon, Feb 4, 11 30 AM.
It should have read:? Suzie, run.? Run for your life...好吃 chow mein has appeared in the most unlikely of places.? Confucius say, caution: egg rolls and sticky rice ahead!
Much as I would have liked to have had a little taste of the year of the snake...I honoured the lunar new year by briskly walking home with the music cranked, dancing a little lion dance at each red light.? Rawr!? Or "slither" the case may be.