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Beacon Hill changes still need tweaking

Re: "Beacon Hill changes are not improvements," Aug. 14. I agree with the writer regarding visitors with mobility issues enjoying Beacon Hill Park.

Re: "Beacon Hill changes are not improvements," Aug. 14.

I agree with the writer regarding visitors with mobility issues enjoying Beacon Hill Park.

Parking issues need tweaking, as no one can park close to the public washrooms near the parks office, except for two handicapped spaces. Therefore, Bridge Way Road should be reopened with only one-way traffic exiting onto Heywood Street.

As well, this would give an alternative for larger vehicles now trying to navigate onto Chestnut Row, and would also greatly assist all parks vehicles and emergency vehicles.

But the best change has been the closing of the 100-metre Heywood Way-Beacon Hill bypass road, although I believe bigger signage should be added than the two postage-stamp signs high up on separate poles at the Heywood entrance.

With the large number of people who did not hear about the changes in the first week, it is going to take a while for people to know. For instance, on the first day, I counted 15 cars in five minutes enter, turn around and leave. But, as I sat and watched "rush hour" in the park, I lost interest after 60.

I believe that changes were needed and necessary, and with more consultation, I hope that the city sees the value of not making Beacon Hill Park a shortcut for commuters going elsewhere. Unlike the letter-writer, I will continue visiting Beacon Hill Park for a long time.

Mur Meadows
