Another four years of Lisa Helps as mayor of Victoria is another four years of over-spending, no consultation with those affected by decisions, rewriting history and the list goes on. What happened? Several things and perhaps the biggest of all: Egos rather than what was good for the city.
On the pages of this newspaper, on the radio waves and on TV news, pundits and citizens suggested to Stephen Hammond, Mike Geoghegan and Bruce McGuigan that they should decide amongst themselves which of them had a better chance of out-polling Helps or the result would be vote-splitting and a Helps win — exactly what happened.
From the vote count, it is obvious who the candidate, of the three, should have been. The combined vote of these three was 52.5 per cent, a clear majority and almost 2,800 more than Helps.
Mayor Helps, do not be smug in your victory with only 43 per cent of the vote, which also means that almost six out of 10 voters did not want you in a second term. Heed the message, please. Be strong, Victoria!
Ron Grant