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Letters on pensions show sharp contrast

Re: "It's tough to live on disability pension" and "Retiring MP's pension disgusting," Aug. 3. I couldn't help but notice the gigantic difference between the two letters.

Re: "It's tough to live on disability pension" and "Retiring MP's pension disgusting," Aug. 3.

I couldn't help but notice the gigantic difference between the two letters. The first is from somebody eking by on a disability pension of less than $11,000 a year. Then there's Bev Oda, who got her vitamin C by robbing taxpayers. After putting in just eight years as an MP, she draws more than $52,000 annually until she kicks off.

This is appalling, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper knows it. He would rather make cuts from the bottom, though, than deal with his and his cronies' Gucci-lined nest. The Liberals here in Victoria are no better, with an equally lavish retirement deal.

Louis Guilbault
