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Police should watch turns on red lights

Re: "Tour bus hits, kills woman in crosswalk," Aug. 14. As both a pedestrian and driver, I have observed the majority of drivers turning right on a red light without stopping, sometimes not even slowing down.

Re: "Tour bus hits, kills woman in crosswalk," Aug. 14.

As both a pedestrian and driver, I have observed the majority of drivers turning right on a red light without stopping, sometimes not even slowing down.

The drivers generally check for other vehicles but pay scant regard for pedestrians who are in the crosswalk or about to cross. I have not observed any police officers cracking down on this clear violation of the traffic code. Victoria, contrary to what our politicians claim, is not a pedestrian-friendly area.

The only solution is to suspend the driver's licence of anyone committing this dangerous act.

Kenneth Mintz Victoria