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Positive improvements from more cycling

Vancouver has not only increased the downtown bike paths and connectors but has also installed bike corrals and other improvements to make cycling safer and easier.

Vancouver has not only increased the downtown bike paths and connectors but has also installed bike corrals and other improvements to make cycling safer and easier.

In talking to the merchants close to cycling paths, they volunteered information on an increase in business. One mentioned that fast vehicle traffic did not stop to buy, even with adequate parking, whereas cyclists passed the shop windows slow enough to see merchandise, which sometimes resulted in sales.

Last winter, the Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition sponsored an evening with a Danish designer of "Copenhagenization." The results were positive, resulting in greater use of cycling in Copenhagen and an increase in cycling, safety, lower expense for the city and a more community spirit not evident in today's car culture.

Pedestrians also appreciated the new facilities; I have noticed that people walking fit in well with responsible cyclists, often with pleasantries exchanged as we pass. I have never had that happen when driving any vehicle.

Hoping we will get some of these improvements in Sidney.

Richard Lucier-larson
